SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
morning guys what a night.. went and unloaded a whiting boat. thats a shit fish lol. anyway backs fucked up 2day after all that oooooooooooooooo medicate time willfix that....LOL. anyway i thing i kicked the shit out of them fucking mites.... fingers crossed.. trimming up my tystick 2day, if i feel up to it....


Well-Known Member
I like nice landscaped shit but its not important to me....Just one more thing that wants my attention. It would keep me from other important things like posting on RIU and listing to bootlegs and mixtapes online.
thats exactly how i feel.. why tie up time doing that when i can be doing this or something with the girls!

morning guys what a night.. went and unloaded a whiting boat. thats a shit fish lol. anyway backs fucked up 2day after all that oooooooooooooooo medicate time willfix that....LOL. anyway i thing i kicked the shit out of them fucking mites.... fingers crossed.. trimming up my tystick 2day, if i feel up to it....
morning brotha.. sorry to hear about the back... sounds like you worked you ass off tho... back pain is the worst i think.. next to mouth pain.. they seem to be the two places that no matter what you do you cant get away from the pain... you should get nice and medicated and feeling good and sit around and trim up that ty... take it easy while being productive ya know?! hope you get to feeling better...


Well-Known Member
spent some time yesterday sealing up light leaks and considering ventilation... i opted to move the exhaust fan i have from where it was on the wall into the exhaust closet.. so now instead of trying to push air over about a 25 foot span, and through about 4 90 degree bends, it is now pulling the air through 2 90 degree bends and 12 feet of duct.. i know its better to have the fan push than pull.. but i figure saving it 13 feet and 2 90 degree turns by pulling it would work it less than the keeping that 13 feet and 2 bends i it would... temps are still staying down this way too... maybe raised it a couple degrees towards the top of the room.. but as far as ground temps go they are about the same... plus air flow did increase a lot doing it this way..

im banking on my order ariving today... a short drive to pick it up.. and im all set to get things as they should be... i am really excited about getting the chiller in.. most of all the chiller... this way i know im covered if an exhaust fan goes down or if we go through another hot spell... its like my own little insurance plan i guess.... now if power goes out here im fucked.. LOL now i need a couple generators.....


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
mornig bro. hope your package arives.. ya here on the coast you need a generater. i have a 4000wtt. should power all even my fridge, tv and a few house lights..
getting ready to update my vegger thread with video...


Well-Known Member
new parts are always exciting.. the excitement for me is having the new box...hanging the supplies is the buzzkill for me...


Well-Known Member
mornig bro. hope your package arives.. ya here on the coast you need a generater. i have a 4000wtt. should power all even my fridge, tv and a few house lights..
getting ready to update my vegger thread with video...
i havent had any issues at all here so far.... so im guessing the work is pretty solid in the town... but i dont think it would be a bad investment.. wonder how big of one i need??

new parts are always exciting.. the excitement for me is having the new box...hanging the supplies is the buzzkill for me...

hell yea.. im right there.. i love the boxes and openeing them and seeing all the new stuff... the work is the pain in the ass part.. but i get the buzz back when the work is done and i see it all put together....


Well-Known Member
ya i feel u its nice to see the boxes..and the parts, and then it becomes nice again when there hung and working...


Well-Known Member
luckily i wont have much to do.. its just one fan i have to hang and duct, and the water chiller i will have to run tubing to... easy shit for real... maybe 30 minutes worth of work.. and the benefits will be huge!! oh wait.. i have to lower my ph too with ph down...


Well-Known Member
so i wanted to post a quick update before i get busy and dont have a chance to tonight..

i got word about a half hour that my order is in.. im going to be heading out here pretty soon to grab it up.. i am also gonna order some seeds... the somas didnt take from the initial heat stress... tis a sad sad thing.... and i just want to have something to back up and fill in the garden... i have already decided im goin to get super lemon haze from greenhouse and mantanuska tundra from sargamath seeds... i am sure i spelled them wrong but oh well... sooo that will extend things to chemdog, og kush, blueberry, white shark.. and those 2... if i dont see any change with the water chiller between and everything running right between now and when the new seeds come i will scrap the og kush and chemdog (the only ones that arent showing any progress at all) and run BB and WS plus the SLH and MT... anyways.. just wanted to get this in in case i get busy workin on the room later and dont get a chance to get back on...


Well-Known Member
So u get ur new shit ? howz it working out..
well sir im glad you asked.. everything is great.. finally get to do a positive update.. so here it is!

so i finally have everything i wanted to get and needed to get for a super effective veg room with flowering capabilities should i need to again in the future after this grow... took a lot of sweat and tears and money.. but its there... ill go through the most recent updates and improvements 1 by 1... sort of a quick recap...

after i flowered the last set of girls and switched to the gro bulbs in the floros temps got WAY out of hand.. i removed the poly wall that was up thinking it would help dispearse heat.. but it actually ended up making it worse... so i opted for installing dry wall and putting up a solid divider between what is now the veg room and the soon to be after this harvest flower room...

during the same time i was installing the wall i received an order i placed for 2 x 400w lumatek digital ballasts, hps bulbs, articsun reflectors, and an aerator for my reservoir... once getting the wall up and installing the DIY light lifters i made and new lights i started working on my exhaust... the 1 6" fan i had wasnt enough to keep air movement as much as i want... and with temps as high as they were (90s and 100s), and the fact that i needed to get some PH down because i go through a ton of it, i ordered a water chiller, 8" exhaust fan, and some ph down..

during the wait for the order for the last fan i opted to install the 6" fan towards the top of the garden so it would push air through the lights and exhaust into an exhaust room with a carbon filter in it that dumps into the attic.. this is ultra unefficient.. it worked as a temporary fix, but i lost a TON of efficiency due to bends in the duct and distance the fan pushed... i moved it from the veg room where it was pushing the air through, to the exhaust room where it is now pulling air through the lights and into the exhaust room.. doing this saved me about 10 to 15 ft worth of duct and 2 90 degree duct bends..

i received the last order of equipment yesterday... i installed the water chiller yesterday which works amazing.. i am now holding a steady reservoir temp of between 70 and 72 constantly.. which is FAR improved over the 85+ degrees it has been at... i also installed the 8 inch fan.. its pulling plenty of fresh air from the fresh air intakes (which are passive. forgot to mention) and from the outside of the grow room which has PLENTY of fresh air constantly.. so i shouldnt need any kind of co2 enrichment....

so... here is a briefe overview of the veg room now and what i have going...

ebb and gro system with 12 sites...

55 gallon reservoir with an aerator...

water chiller..

4 x 420w ho floros

2 x 400w HIDs (hps bulbs now.. may try MH later on to see if there is a growth difference), air cooled

1 - 6" exhaust fan pretty much used to cool the HIDs and remove some air... 400 cfm

1 - 8" exhaust fan for actual air removal and circulation... 650 cfm

1 large and 1 small oscilating fans for air movement in the room...

temps are 80 degrees.. thats about 5 feet above canopy .. thats also opposite of any fans... i would imagine if i moved the temp gauge into air movement streams it would be more like 70.... obvouisly i have a ton of air movement... 1000+ total cfms for a 360 sq/ft area...

res temps are of course at 70-72 with an EC around 2.2/2.4 which is a PPM x 500 of 1100 to 1200 and a PH that ranges from 5.5 to 6.0 as long as i have ph down.. it was up to 7.2 for a couple days..

so there it is.. thats my veg/clone room that is going to be used also to flower this grow too.. part of why its so decked out...

took some pics of the girls that are left... and the lack of growth they have had since i moved them into the hydro system.. with all the issues ive had thus far i am happy these 8 are still alive... the blueberry and white shark have responded really well the last couple days... but the clones i were given are still fenced... but like i said i am planning on ordering some seeds today so if i lose anything between now and when i get the seeds ill be ok.. i also got some new seed starters.. i am banking on them being a little better than the rockwool...

oh and just in case you cant tell the pic of the black square on the wall is the spot where the intake for the 8" fan is.... i also took a couple pics of the fan just so you can get an idea of how big it is...

also the first 4 pics are the blue berrys and white shark.. the white shark is the largest of the 3.. which still isnt saying much.. but they are all starting to show a lot of new growth.. and the last 4 are the remaining clones i have... 2 chem dog and 2 og kush...



Well-Known Member
Ya bro thats some nice equiptment.. i feel u on the sweat tears and cash to get it going.. ive been in the same boat as u... ur shits gonna be so much more proper for excited to see when u get ur hydro locked in how prolific the growth will be....


Well-Known Member
i can already tell a HUGE difference in growth.. at least on the ones that are responding.. im afraid the roots on some of the girls are a little fried and wont end up growing.. so to cover my ass i ended up placing an order.. i have 5 greenhouse seeds super lemon haze, 5 SAGARMATHA SEEDS Matanuska Tundra, and then 1 of each of the following; Dutch Passion Strawberry Cough, G13 Labs Gigabud, Dinafem Blue Hash, Dinafem White Widow, Dinafem White Widow, and Dinafem Seeds Roadrunner.. the dinafems were all free gifts.. the other singles were just to get my order as close to what i had on budget as i could... so i figure worst case scenario i will germ and plop these in and just have a muti grow.. more so than i did... maybe do a couple dina fems and a couple of each of the other?? im most excited about the tundra... been looking forward to trying it and growing it for a few years now... it has always interested me the most out of any strain... i dont know why.. i hope it doesnt let me down..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i can already tell a HUGE difference in growth.. at least on the ones that are responding.. im afraid the roots on some of the girls are a little fried and wont end up growing.. so to cover my ass i ended up placing an order.. i have 5 greenhouse seeds super lemon haze, 5 SAGARMATHA SEEDS Matanuska Tundra, and then 1 of each of the following; Dutch Passion Strawberry Cough, G13 Labs Gigabud, Dinafem Blue Hash, Dinafem White Widow, Dinafem White Widow, and Dinafem Seeds Roadrunner.. the dinafems were all free gifts.. the other singles were just to get my order as close to what i had on budget as i could... so i figure worst case scenario i will germ and plop these in and just have a muti grow.. more so than i did... maybe do a couple dina fems and a couple of each of the other?? im most excited about the tundra... been looking forward to trying it and growing it for a few years now... it has always interested me the most out of any strain... i dont know why.. i hope it doesnt let me down..
so you can see abig diffrence in growth from soil to hydro. im glad things are working out for ya bro....:clap::clap::clap::clap: keepup the good work


Well-Known Member
thanks bro!! im trying!! cant wait to get back in the game with you guys.. about ready to come off the bench...

well... i will see a big difference here in a few days once they get back into the swing of things.. that i can tell.. but i can tell a HUGE difference since i installed the chiller and temps are proper already... they are starting to blow up.. I am praying the white shark is female.. she, along with 1 other blue berry are starting to really take off.. the others, im hoping, will start soon.. i say blow up like they are growing like mad now...and they will.. but its more like.. a spark... yes.. thats it... growth has sparked in a big way... i can tell now that i have things set up, at least in the veg room, that i am going to be more than happy with the system!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
right on bro..
its been about a week now sence i started sexing them seeds of yours. can't wait to see what becomes of them... im keeping them in the clear cups to the finish with this but the next ones im a going monster with them....LOL as long as yourr growth is better thenb4 then your off and running bro..... congrats..


Well-Known Member
right on bro..
its been about a week now sence i started sexing them seeds of yours. can't wait to see what becomes of them... im keeping them in the clear cups to the finish with this but the next ones im a going monster with them....LOL as long as yourr growth is better thenb4 then your off and running bro..... congrats..

hey bro, good morning.. hows it going today?? same to the rest of you guys.. everybody having a good one so far?!

i really cant wait to see what you can do with those girls i sent you.. you shouldnt have any males.. or very very very few if you do.. they seem to have a very high female to male ratio... just watch out for hermies later.. although i dont expect them to take NEAR the stress they during my last grow with them.. they can take a lot of stress before hermieing... i just pushed them to their limits last grow.. but you should end up with some beautiful girls with the proper care i know you'll give them.. especially if given the chance to become a monster... just out of curiousity, but have you ever thought of vegging a plant indoors through the winter and then throwing her outside letting her veg more outside then let her flower out there too?? basically like a 7 to 8 month veg and then flower?? i cant imagine the size they would be when they are done... wow....

yea im definatly off and going now... thank you MJ god... i felt like i was just in a stall.. which i basically was... now things are starting to move at a pace i more desire.. i will easily be able to tell which girls to scrap and replant... i figure they have 2 weeks... it will be next thursday/friday before my new order comes in with the new girls... it will take about a week to germ and veg them enough to be able to have the root systems and growth to handle the nutes the rest of the girls are getting... so about 2 weeks from today, give or take, i will have the new strains going... i do wish at this point i could edit the name of the thread... but it wouldnt be until i know for sure what seeds i am going to germ out or not.... any suggestions from the strains i am getting?? i think i will def do the gigabud, and a tundra, and a slh... but out of the rest do any sound fun or are you guys curious as to any of them?? i dont mind growing one or two or three of them out just for research purposes for you guys, or anyone else that happens to anwswer this question?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hey bro, good morning.. hows it going today?? same to the rest of you guys.. everybody having a good one so far?!

i really cant wait to see what you can do with those girls i sent you.. you shouldnt have any males.. or very very very few if you do.. they seem to have a very high female to male ratio... just watch out for hermies later.. although i dont expect them to take NEAR the stress they during my last grow with them.. they can take a lot of stress before hermieing... i just pushed them to their limits last grow.. but you should end up with some beautiful girls with the proper care i know you'll give them.. especially if given the chance to become a monster... just out of curiousity, but have you ever thought of vegging a plant indoors through the winter and then throwing her outside letting her veg more outside then let her flower out there too?? basically like a 7 to 8 month veg and then flower?? i cant imagine the size they would be when they are done... wow....

yea im definatly off and going now... thank you MJ god... i felt like i was just in a stall.. which i basically was... now things are starting to move at a pace i more desire.. i will easily be able to tell which girls to scrap and replant... i figure they have 2 weeks... it will be next thursday/friday before my new order comes in with the new girls... it will take about a week to germ and veg them enough to be able to have the root systems and growth to handle the nutes the rest of the girls are getting... so about 2 weeks from today, give or take, i will have the new strains going... i do wish at this point i could edit the name of the thread... but it wouldnt be until i know for sure what seeds i am going to germ out or not.... any suggestions from the strains i am getting?? i think i will def do the gigabud, and a tundra, and a slh... but out of the rest do any sound fun or are you guys curious as to any of them?? i dont mind growing one or two or three of them out just for research purposes for you guys, or anyone else that happens to anwswer this question?
wow they would be fucking huge, but i have already had a problem with the girls freezing... they were saved but hurt badly... won'tdo that again....LOL
as for strains im stillpooking around them also finding the large yieldersand bitchin hight palnts... along with your helpalso....LOL:weed:

ohand good morrning back at ya,yes so far so good..did have a limb breake in the green house,was able to mend lets hope that limb makes it. it was a biggie.fuck anyway LOL shit happens when your not on top of things...