ss420's journal #3...


Well-Known Member
top of the morning too ya bro

things are good here... just watching the girls grow... which, with my experience from my last grow added in, has been amazing... im seeing growth rates which are blowing my last grow away.. very nice indeed!!

still havin some issue with one of the strains... i cant tell why.. i think its just the strain/seeds.. but oh well.. they are growing and thats the important part...

sorry to hear you gotta cut more wood... when i lived at home my mom had a fire place she would run from 6 in the morning when she got up until 10 or 11 at night when she went to bed... it seemed all i did was split wood...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
with i had a fire place. after 2day i'll have 10 cords in the yard. i tell you them crystles sure are taking off. the girls in the flower room sure are going crazy. yep im loven it. 6 week or so and its sticky finger time.


Well-Known Member
with i had a fire place. after 2day i'll have 10 cords in the yard. i tell you them crystles sure are taking off. the girls in the flower room sure are going crazy. yep im loven it. 6 week or so and its sticky finger time.
thats a lot of wood... guess you should be good for the winter huh??

glad they are doing ya good.. are they all in flower or do you have some veggin still??

lookin great.

hey bro.. glad you stopped by... how things goin on your end?


Well-Known Member
this is the largest leaf i have ever had on a plant this size from seed.... just thought it was cool... not even 6" tall and has a leaf the size of my hand....

i went to super crop a few of the girls the other day and accidently topped this one... but the top didnt extend much past the top of the leaves you see, if it did at all...



Well-Known Member
Looking good. 10 cords of wood, Would take me 5 years to burn that. I burn over a cord a year, but I have natural gas as supplementary.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. 10 cords of wood, Would take me 5 years to burn that. I burn over a cord a year, but I have natural gas as supplementary.

yea... 10 cords is some shit.. i cant wait until i can reinstall a fire place in my new house.. i would much rather burn wood than gas...

Which strain are you having problems with!!!!!!!!
the chocolopes are giving me the problem...

i looked at the remaining seeds i have of them.. they are somewhat immature looking... a greyish brown color.. but no stripeing at all.. i know that all strains dont stripe.. but there are a couple of them that do have stripes.. so i think its just the batch after all..


Well-Known Member
Sorry I've been away for a while. Work is killing me right now. Looks loke you really have things dialed in. My purple wreck and querkel are doing very nice.


Well-Known Member
im getting things dialed in.. slowly but surely... there are a few things i still need to get perfected... but i am 75% done with things... if not more...

thats good your girls are doing well... are they vegging or flowering right now??


Well-Known Member
Colesium eh? i like those. There are some pretty amazing results coming out of those. I also like those Roto- Grows. I may end up trying to make a sealed box(something like a colesium) for 1k hps.


Well-Known Member
yeah.. they are really economical as long as you have the space for mothers to fill them...

the way my grow is set up i can basically use each vegging plant in my veg room as a mother plant before i flip them to flower... take 15 cuttings or so from each.. and have plenty to fill it up with...

i only want 150 sites... this system is capable of holding 300.. but 1 layer of the larger size ones is plenty for me.. heres a better pic tho


Well-Known Member
All I can say is stack, stack, stack them up. I would love to have one to try out. Im heading off to look at some DIY colesium info


Well-Known Member
i figure only 1 "large" layer will do what i need...

i can only veg 16 plants.. because thats all i think i can fit in my flower room after a 60 day veg...

if i take 10 cuttings each.. thats 160 cuttings.. assuming all root... minus the 16 i need to put back to veg... then i am at 144... which just about fills one up..

i'd be a little concerned taking 20 cuttings each to fill out the entire coliseum... thats too many to take for my taste..

but yea.. they are definitely the way to go.. would even be good to start a perpetual grow in.. just split it into 4 sections and just fill 1 section every 2 weeks and then start having a rotating crop of like 35 or 40 clones every couple weeks..


Well-Known Member
I was kind of under the impression that the roots will intertwine, and that even the plant must be a little tough to untangle. I would like to stay perpetual, but time is an issue. Also looking for one big yield, I think i will start adding plants into flower though in order to help get going a little faster.


Well-Known Member
lol you said crack a lackin thats fuckin awesome...

not shit really bro.. getting ready to get cleaned up shortly.. gotta go to the license branch.. get plates and a title and shit for my new truck... also have to take the damn written test again.. its been over 6 months since my license expired and i have 6 points on my license.. nice huh??

after that its out to do last minute xmas shopping.. cant tell you how excited i am to do that shit...


Well-Known Member
Dang SS, Just remember don't let those bastards at the DMV give you any shit, Its your job to give it to them when they frustrate you to the brink of insanity. Saw a good brief in the paper about a DMV ruckus the other day. Put a smile on my face.


Well-Known Member
i come from a pretty big city... but live in a small town now... i always DREADED going to the license branch where i was originally from.. i remember one time i was in line for 4 hours just to re new my plates... and then it was another 2 hours before it actually got done... where i live now isnt bad tho... they typically arent too busy... they have plenty of people working for them... although they detest their jobs as much as i can imagine they do... its not a fun experience ever... but its never as bad as i have been through... its really just taking the driver test that has me worked up.. its been almost 10 years since ive taken that shit.. i jumped on and took a couple practice tests this morning.. the first one i took i failed miserably.. but i forgot that they word those questions all fucked up to try to make you fail.. then i felt better... then proceeded to spend the next 30 minutes taking various other ones... all of which i at least passed.. but i guess even if i do fail i just have to wait and go retake the test tomorrow... as long as i dont fuck up the ones i got right, and fix the ones i got wrong, ill be fine