SS Early Bud ~Ontario Seed Bank


Well-Known Member
Hey all, this is my first grow and I Just wanted to share a few pics of my babies. They are on day 14 of flowering after 30 days of veg.

They are under a 400w HPS in Pro Mix BX and being fed Pure blend pro Bloom, Liquid Karma, Cal-Mag, Big Bud and Liquid Carbo Load. I have never grown anything before and so far me and ym girlfriend are very pleased with the results.

we picked the seeds from a book in the shop that said easy for beginners to grow and had a short flowering period of 6-8 weeks. Any comments would be awesome

BTW the retard looking one in teh right front row got all bent from falling over so i tried to bend it back with string and it broke the string and grew more bent. It it also a good 1.5 feet taller then the other 3.


