Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

Sic^^^^Boxing munnyPunching bag is a one hitter pipe
He will kick any of your rigs asses. 600$ obo -Spit bucket dish-hand worked dome-towel-boxer munny-Dabber-punching bag stand-punching bag one hitter pipe
Got this sandblasted Toro Circ A/C on it's way to me from the FB groups! Desperately been looking for someone to make me a J-Hook for it, but everyone seems to be busy. :wall::wall:
Will post some better pics when I receive it this coming week.
Dank if you see this, I'd tried sending you a PM about a J-Hook for this but your PM box is full.

are opals really that expensive? I don't get why adding an opal or two to a piece adds SO much. If it was a diamond it'd be one thing
From what I can tell the small Gilson Opals dont seem to be that expensive, based on a few links I saw glassblowers exchanging. Unless im looking at the wrong type of Opals, but they said Gilson and were for coe 33 boro. About the big fee glassblowers put on adding opals, I'd say it just depends how much the glassblower thinks the option is worth to them. One could say not much and another could say a lot. Not sure if it's easy or hard for a glassblower to encase one. I've seen some diamond and cubic zirconia encasements, pretty baller if you ask me!
Well there was a sick slide encased with a cubic zirconia on an auction group a few days ago but I think it got deleted. If I see any other examples ill post em up! But I was just reading yesterday that boro encaseable Opals are all synthetic and not "real" opals. Maybe Dank or another glassblower can shed some light on that.
They are man made. Big ones can be expensive. They arnt hard to encase at all. Drop em in a closed up blow tube and melt in. I usually do 10$ an opal. They cost 5$ for the little ones and I want 5$ to encase it.
Oh yeah. You can get wholesale price on a bunch of them. Then crush em. I use little ones that are 5$. Larger ones can be expensive. They are hard to make and you mus need some crazy machine or something. Everyone buys them.
How do the patinas work? Like Big Pizzle who can do any color under the rainbow in electroforming.
big pizzle.jpg
(Picture courtesy of BigPizzle Electroforming)
Oh and got this B Wilson worked Disc Screen slide I got on here! Never had a disc screen slide before and it's pretty cool :mrgreen:.
2013-05-09 12.52.27.jpgyyy.jpg
I might get you to Electro a pendant for me Dank

*One of those Lewis Wilson floating opals to be exact. Those are fucking gnarly
The munny is getting his second bath now. He had about 2mm of copper on him so far. I want him thick though. He is pink right now. You have to wire brush the pink off to show the new copper. The bullets I e-formed on him look dope. Fully covered. He just has a couple spots on his body that needed more. I had to change the anodes because he ate it all up already. It's the biggest pieces I've did yet. He takes some copper and some time. Ill take a pic later of the progress.