I'm enjoying it although need to get a power adapter for the charger, and it's taking me fairly long to get that hit, but once it's gottne me there i'm there

pretty sure i'll buy a volc now for home use

Smells and tastes of popcorn, no other way i can describe it, not sure if this is the weed burning a tiny bit or just the strain when vaped. It'll be getting a varnish before too long though, not a huge fan of untreated wood, might lose the message on the abck as a result but i can live with that. Can't wait to be getting out and about and having this with me, kicks the fucking arse out of trying to smoke weed on the sly
Even if someone said open your hand! Don't think they'd have a clue what they were looking at, "ere, that's a fancy pencil sharpener you got there mate"
Just as i was reading around seeing whether it was worth it came across you saying you'd bought one literally a couple days or so previous and figured ok, do it. Not sure why your purchase swayed me but it seems it did for some reason or other
However i distinctly remember pony being stoned and getting a bit carried away with the "click" of the locking mechanism, does'nt seem to be such a thing on mine, not sure if pony added it himself, will have to re-watch. I find that sometimes my hand flesh can just nudge the window open when trying to hit which is a touch annoying, althogh guess i can just slip the old band on it. Batteries also appear to last a lot longer than people have indicated in reviews etc, not had to change over from the first one yet, 6 others fully charged, should last me till i can get an adapter