Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]


Well-Known Member
HMK's curves are 10mm right?

why would you want only 10mm? That's something I've never understood.
If they arent 14mm or 19mm, they are 11mm. 11mm allows you to use a 14mm downstem where the 11mm ground joint fits inside. Its the wave of the future for the mini oil rigs, especially the AK tubes that run $5000 and up............ I dont know the fittings on them so its just size speculation


Glassblowing Moderator
i decided on the paragon F420

just slightly bigger than the f130 and has middle and top elements. 1200$ shipped. I dont care if it was too much. sick of looking and waiting. i NEED it. its only being shipped one state away so Ill get it quick. msrp is 1600. im getting a octagon floor kiln for my tubes off craigslist for 100$ dont want to have to fire up a 24x24 kiln just to make production. so Ill be selling my kiln with bead door if anyone is wanting to start torching.


Glassblowing Moderator
Ill Prolly keep my littler kiln and that does 1800. Its still 10x12. And ill have the pottery kiln. I usually only strike marbles. Should be ok. Have you gotten any reviews on it? I just didn't like the fact the 130 was only top element. Heat rises and I open my door alot


Glassblowing Moderator
If you go above 1200 its gonna slump. What do you strike above 1200 anyways? I've had slumps from 1150 for too long. Are you worms apprentice?


Active Member
i dont kiln strike too much and never really above 1150 but ive heard of people going up to 1250 for a real brief period of time to really darken some colors. It cuts serious strike time out i guess but obviously slump action if your not super careful. Read from the interenet somwhere of courese so the truth is far from guaraneteed.

I am not worms apprenice. I work for headyglass several days a week then on my own in Boulder when i have time in between classes. Ive never truley been an apprentice but I get to work with dawnk and trainwreck and they show me new techs. I dont really do any prep work just the more simple projects around the shop. Or things they dont like to do haha. Great gig and opportunity, better than being an apprentice i would say.

Worm kills it btw we got a bunch of his rigs at the shop there clean as can be

Also no reviews on f420 but a friend almost bought one until he found that bit on 1250 striking and got scared he would need hotter temps in the future. I love my f130 though.


Glassblowing Moderator
My boys name in co is citrus l. He worked for kind creation before he moved here (that's why my bench fits two now) were gonna be killing it here in a minute. He's got lathe experience ..


Active Member
haha no worries man, dont think ill ever be annoyed with someone asking me if i work with someone as sick as worm! I have mad respect for kind creations though, great crew up there.

Im hoping on the lathe at hg for the first time this week or next week. Super excited about it. Dawnk is pretty much a lathe master imo so really excited to be learning from him.

Cant wait to see what you in citrus bust out though im sure it will be epic!


Glassblowing Moderator
I've seeen the dawnk viseos he's dope.I almost bought square fence post.. shit was 15$ only for 4 foot. Pvc was 9$ for 10 feet. So im gonna deal with gaps ill shove singles in them..


Well-Known Member
I dont think that striking above 1150(f) is necessary, if you need to do that, you can flame strike it........ The F420 is pretty big, its a nice skutt alternative...... Just remember, 20 amp dedicated circuit outlet because even though its 110v it still needs a special outlet.

Sir V: Those I posted (Kettles) were from Boromarket.......... The clear one sold for over $250 (!!!)........... I dont know where else has them but they sure dont look hard to make...........


Well-Known Member
a lot of color companies recommend striking their colors at 1125. ;)

i flame strike most of mine, then i kiln strike them for 15 mins at 1125 to add a little extra "pop".

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