Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]


Well-Known Member
their just SUPER CLEAN lines that i guess just amaze me..i <3 rettis! :)

how can u say "no style, no originality, just lines drawn on lines. soooooo overdone" on amazingness like this! just not ur style?


Well-Known Member
I'm definintly with Gnome on this one. I really doubt people can hammer out amazingly clean and perfect rettis that easy.

Deppe's retti dragon pipe blew me away.



Well-Known Member
That is by far some of the sickest retti ever.

Was talking to my glass blower buddy a bit ago and he said retti is a basic style you learn as a beginner....I'm still with gnome on this tho....It's so clean


Well-Known Member
hey fdd how does that remind you of tweakers? :mrgreen:hahahah
sitting down tweaking on how many lines you can put on a tube.

you can start out really big and reduce it all down. it's just lines.

if you can draw 1 straight line you can draw 200.

so if you put a wig to it then it's "original"? :roll:

looks like a bunch of lines to me.


if you can weave a little basket, you can weave a big basket.

it's just lines. ;)


Well-Known Member
not haten but lets see u do a retti dish, lets see your lines! :)

so are u saying a begginer can do a better or just as good retti than deppe just cause its just lines? i agree that its easy lines...but keeping it that clean is what amazes me :D


Well-Known Member
not haten but lets see u do a retti dish, lets see your lines! :)

so are u saying a begginer can do a better or just as good retti than deppe just cause its just lines? i agree that its easy lines...but keeping it that clean is what amazes me :D
where did i say any of that?

all i said was "it's just lines".

i never even i said i could do it, let alone better. but with practice ... if i so desired ...

i've done retti's. i'm over it.

it's still just lines.

"keeping it clean"??? it's just lines.

it looks very nice, but it's still just lines.


Well-Known Member
i'm more into "creative style".

like this guy ....


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It appears to be each to their own, i think they look rather funky. Doesn't have to be complicated for me to like it, simple can work just as well :) I guess if you're making it though you want some form of satisfaction over what you're making so i can understand that it's not the most inspiring of designs for blowers.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I'm loving the contributory discussion, guys! :)

Gnome, I was rockin' that shirt today.

I feel like I should be looking at that crazy rainbow pipe with 3d glasses :hump:


Active Member
Those are sick dabbers for sure. I wanted to snag one at a shop in Chicago that I heard had some, but didn't get the chance. Or a light saber one be badass too.