Sr. Verde
Well-Known Member
I just think those prices are totally fucking ridiculous. there's no way the work they put into half that shit is worth nearly as much as they price them at... I mean over 100 bucks just for a decent glass on glass straight tube with NO perc??? fuck those prices honestly...

Heres the breakdown on the piece on the right

Hurricane 1000 DTI 6jet: $440
.de ROOR white label 5mm ash catcher: $190
diffused downstem x2 : $40 ($80 total)
Adapter $10
Total: $720
Extras: $30 in bowl pieces,
extra globe as catch: 45
thats $795 right there for JUST that simple looking piece. Thats before currency conversion & international transfer fees tacked on by the bank! Add another 50-100 for that

so yeah sovergnty for some nice work with good joints on the glass for low 300's isn't bad...
mine was blown overseas and shipped from overseas.. ROOR brand from Germany, Hurricane brand from Austria... throw another shrimp on the barbie!

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