Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

Couple pieces I have added to my collection recently... was trying to add the zach p toilet bowl to my collection for a lonnng time. Was so stoked to finally get one, and at a price I was good with.

Glass multi colored rasta chains. AWESOME.

Reminds me of these:

help me out ladies and gents, sorry to say ive never recognized this as a label until pointed out to me today. " G " any info on the blower or signature id sure like to know.
The Retticello's? I'd like to know also I've only seen those type of lines achieved by artists who seem to be escaping my mind right now... maybe MNP? Saw a mini tube with lines like that on the Facebook groups once and it was fetching like $7500 at least I think.
Not sure exactly how to lay it in the glass as I'm not a blower, but a blower friend of mine says that Retti is a pretty basic technique and one of the first few things you will learn when starting perfecting it like that bub in the pic is a different story.
Here's a shot of my glow glass chillum from the same local blower in my town... Frank.

All of the white is what glows. I wish it would glow bright enough for me to get a decent camera shot.

This thread needs to WAKE UP!!!
nobody got any new glass?
this is what I'm using for my travel rig.

fits in a hard shell case for on the go.
I'm waiting/ saving to get either a Puckulator or a DG Fritted Disc for myself as a Christmas present... Leaning more towards the Puck, as I can get it somewhat customized