Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

How can you call this crappy? Pffffffffffffft. It's MINE! =)







I know this is digging up an old post, and also that this member isnt even here any more. but i want to point this out to any one who is new and just viewing this thread. This is not pure BHO. In the pictures they showed them pouring the BHO into the dish while it still had HUGE butane bubbles in it and it was still like a liquid, I dont even want to begin to think about how much solvent was trapped in there. Your oils should be "Stable" when they are in consumable form. His stuff was so liquidy that he litterly just poured it from the pyrex into his dish. Fuggin EW!

again sorry to dig up an old post but i had to point this out
EZ. regarding oil that color.. this is something ive noticed. it may or may not be true. what do you all think?

oil that is super super yellow/golden like that AND a liquid... thats not good. the reason it yellow is because of millions and millions of tiny tiny bubbles (ya know how when oil is thin.. or bubbles look yellow, while thick globs look black or brown? its because of light going through it. if its yellow like the above AND liquidy.. its full of tane bubbles, like mentioned. I can almost see/picture them, but I imagine if you looked at his oil real real close, you can see the microscopic bubbles.

if its dark gold, almost brown looking when its thick.. it usually means there isnt much bubbles/butane left in it, and its pretty damn good, especially if its rock hard shatter at room temp.

the exception to when yellow/golden oil is very good, is when its DRY in a solid form, not a liquid, after being vac purged and when its considered wax or honeycomb or whatever.

Ive made some nice oil that was fresh, and un purged... I then left it sit out on a mildly warm surface for 2 or 3 days and it slowly bubbled out the butane... tiny tiny tiny bubbles, and lots of them. then they dried out and solidified in the bubble form. almost looked like an aero chocolate bar. at that point, it was very smooth, not liquidy, and pretty dark as there were no more bubbles left. which looks kinda like this, with not much tiny tiny bubbles:

stuff like this is butane bubbles... if you let it sit long enough, and thin enough. it will dry looking like that (with the bubbles) which is kinda what the above picture looks similar to I believe... thousands of microscopic bubbles letting light go through and making it look so yellow (notice how thick parts of the oil looks brown, black sometimes)

this has sat thinned out on a warm piece of metal for 4 days.. you can see on the left side it has begun to dry.. its barely a liquid anymore. its kinda cool. dont know why it looks so green... this oil was made from pure fuckin kief!!! there wasnt even any green to begin with. just yellow/white crystals :)

and this is the bottom.

now while that above piece might not be 100% absolutely fuckin perfectly purged... its good enough for me, and 99.9999% of people out there. it tastes great and has had several hours/days of drying time. good enough for the girls I get with.

which brings up the point.. is honey oil (shatter to be specific) a liquid, or a solid?? all depends what temperature I guess. same concept as glass... is glass a liquid or a solid? well depends how complicated ya wanna get.
whats honey oil? whats oil? whats honey? whats butter? there are sooooooo many terms :[ hash! ( or bho for now)

and wow vac purge! for a moment i thought you bought a vac!! Ive never let something sit out in heat like that..

usually my heat is forced, and vac'd :p
btw, if that process is just time consuming, but rather simple, and easy, i'd not get a vac, and continue perfecting what you got going, vac and heat pad, and what not, takes a lot of electricity i feel, over a few days out in he FREEE funlight
I wasn't talking about anyone in specific man. :lol: Just responding to oakley about thread quality.

No hate going on here :peace:.
btw, if that process is just time consuming, but rather simple, and easy, i'd not get a vac, and continue perfecting what you got going, vac and heat pad, and what not, takes a lot of electricity i feel, over a few days out in he FREEE funlight

nah. what I use is the heat system in my apartment... its a radiator. basically just sends hot water around the base of the house in a very hot tube, which radiates heat. simple. well there is a little fin thing above it which stays fairly warm 24/7... so I jut the put the oil on that for a few days and it turns out like that. I havnt tried it with normal oil though, just oil made from kief.

seems like this place isnt very "beginner friendly" .. got a lot of snobby, stuck up "pussy lungs" in here that cant handle .001% butane remaining in their oil. its gotta be absolutely fucking perfect or they wont touch it and want nothing to do with you, which I find is a little ridiculous. theyll sit there and smoke a cigarette or drinking a coke and trash our nice oil, because its only be 99% purged. I find it funny. so much hate, and bashing I see here sometimes. for a bunch of stoners- oil smokers at that- you sure can be a bunch of dickheads. some of you take this a little too seriously. a lot of us dont spend all day, every day, and every dollar we got into weed and supplies. we got better shit to do.

purge your oil in a very hot water bath for 10-15 mins. play with it a little, and call it good, smoke your delicious oil and enjoy. never mind what these snobs online here saying that 90% of the oil posted sucks, and its poisonous for you, and were not doing it right because we dont work with commercial levels every day, just smoke what you made and enjoy it. beats smoking bud any day.
lol id post my oil but i dont wanna make everyone else feel bad ;)

oakley!!!! post that shiettttt, maybe make some action figures with it? isnt that where the spirit is supposed to be in this thread.

viagra for the thread ?? lets stop the nonsense

get some MJ in you how ever you please, positive vibes :]


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EZ. regarding oil that color.. this is something ive noticed. it may or may not be true. what do you all think?

oil that is super super yellow/golden like that AND a liquid... thats not good. the reason it yellow is because of millions and millions of tiny tiny bubbles (ya know how when oil is thin.. or bubbles look yellow, while thick globs look black or brown? its because of light going through it. if its yellow like the above AND liquidy.. its full of tane bubbles, like mentioned. I can almost see/picture them, but I imagine if you looked at his oil real real close, you can see the microscopic bubbles.

if its dark gold, almost brown looking when its thick.. it usually means there isnt much bubbles/butane left in it, and its pretty damn good, especially if its rock hard shatter at room temp.

the exception to when yellow/golden oil is very good, is when its DRY in a solid form, not a liquid, after being vac purged and when its considered wax or honeycomb or whatever.

Ive made some nice oil that was fresh, and un purged... I then left it sit out on a mildly warm surface for 2 or 3 days and it slowly bubbled out the butane... tiny tiny tiny bubbles, and lots of them. then they dried out and solidified in the bubble form. almost looked like an aero chocolate bar. at that point, it was very smooth, not liquidy, and pretty dark as there were no more bubbles left. which looks kinda like this, with not much tiny tiny bubbles:

stuff like this is butane bubbles... if you let it sit long enough, and thin enough. it will dry looking like that (with the bubbles) which is kinda what the above picture looks similar to I believe... thousands of microscopic bubbles letting light go through and making it look so yellow (notice how thick parts of the oil looks brown, black sometimes)

this has sat thinned out on a warm piece of metal for 4 days.. you can see on the left side it has begun to dry.. its barely a liquid anymore. its kinda cool. dont know why it looks so green... this oil was made from pure fuckin kief!!! there wasnt even any green to begin with. just yellow/white crystals :)

and this is the bottom.

now while that above piece might not be 100% absolutely fuckin perfectly purged... its good enough for me, and 99.9999% of people out there. it tastes great and has had several hours/days of drying time. good enough for the girls I get with.

which brings up the point.. is honey oil (shatter to be specific) a liquid, or a solid?? all depends what temperature I guess. same concept as glass... is glass a liquid or a solid? well depends how complicated ya wanna get.

lol i never said anything ab out color, but the fact that he poured it into his dish while there was still butane evaporating is a tell tale sign that shit was hella under purged, shit, the stuff you posted was more purged than this
lol id post my oil but i dont wanna make everyone else feel bad ;)

i dont feel bad anymore. i used too, lol, but this thread was my inspiration to improve my methods. this is where i learned what good hash and oil extractions look like and all tips and tricks to getting them, my methods have improved, i now know whats up with the oils:) my next run is 100% g13 ill get a pic waitn on the trim to dry.