Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

Ok guys today I was on another mission. This morning I received my new glass extractor from RK(thank you) and I wanted to pick up a vac today to do this batch vac purge. After trying walmart, advance auto and pepboys I was unsuccesful in finding a mityvac so I guess I am just going to have to order one online. Oh well, back home to run a batch.


So I stuffed it with a bunch of my dank ass trimmings I had in a box drying and mixed in some dank nugs of blackberry goo and started the run, I seemed to be losing alot around the whole at the top and i tried switching to different fitting while holding the hole on top.. was a bit tough and i was losing butane never quite was able to get a good seal on the top so I ran a can and a half to be sure. Maybe thinking I should of just went with an Okeif... actually think I am just going to order a okeif right now :)


Since I was unable to get a vac, I whipped it like crazy with a nail, in and out of the over and with new hot water under neath as I would whip. I did it until I was so exhausted I could whip anymore. What you see on the parchment is what I ended up with. Its pretty taffy. I also picked up a new nice little titanium hood.. cheers :)
wtf kinda hole is that? :shock:

dude said butane was shooting out the back end. sounds like a "reject" to me. i didn't find fault with anything, he did. how fucking dumb are you?

i view one post because you keep replying to me, reminded me exactly why i have you on ignore.

go ahead and reply, i'm not listening. :)
dude said butane was shooting out the back end. sounds like a "reject" to me. i didn't find fault with anything, he did. )

This is the first time I ever used glass.. something didnt seem right but I am totally new to BHO so could of been something I was doing, or the hole in the glass? I dont know?
This is the first time I ever used glass.. something didnt seem right but I am totally new to BHO so could of been something I was doing, or the hole in the glass? I dont know?

from the looks of the pic you posted it appears that there is not a tight seal between the butane can and the glass tube. you shouldn't get butane blowing out the back end. that hole has to pretty much be "perfect" for it to work properly. got a better pic of it?
This is the first time I ever used glass.. something didnt seem right but I am totally new to BHO so could of been something I was doing, or the hole in the glass? I dont know?

Could be a few things.... highly probable with what fdd said...

but then again, when i was using my stainless steel turkey baster, and jamming the fitting in the back end.... even the perfectly round metal hole + the fittings provided with the vector gave me spray back.... Like a butane mist, with some occasionally running down the sides onto my glove (gave me frostbite in a small piece of my hand actually).

Dude I bought an okeif and holy shit... It was like going from a beater ass car to a Bentley....

I have no troubles with my okief just put the nozzle in and butane is soaring down the tube, hardly any noise. 0.00 % leakage... no chance of a blow out with the stainless steel screens.
The rubber stoppers are bad ass, they fit really snug but are super easy to apply/remove ..

When you buy your tube I'd pick up like a couple stainless steel screens.... after washing and using over and over the sides of the screen begin to fray... it's nice to have a bunch of NEW screens laying around when the current one gets warped (after like 10-15 runs)... I figure if im running ounces the screen is the most important part, and its worth it to change after 15 cleaning cycles... ;)

You should pick up a couple amber glass jars too! They are a great deal... Awesome jars, could fit like 7g+ of kief, and the amber glass blocks out all the nasty degrading light.. also good for any other small substances that don't do good in light/air. I picked up 2 amber jars and like 6 extra glass vials, and I honestly wish i got like 2-3 more amber jars. They come in handy!

note: Some people do great with glass tubes.... i'm sure fdd has no problems with his butane blasting technique on his glass tubes, with coffee filters... But I figured I'd provide you with the above info as you already said you were going to go O'Kief!
Grab one of the butane plastic adapter tips from the cap and put that on the tip, and then try it out, should seal like a champ. :)
So I stuffed it with a bunch of my dank ass trimmings I had in a box drying and mixed in some dank nugs of blackberry goo and started the run, I seemed to be losing alot around the whole at the top and i tried switching to different fitting while holding the hole on top.. was a bit tough and i was losing butane never quite was able to get a good seal on the top so I ran a can and a half to be sure. Maybe thinking I should of just went with an Okeif... actually think I am just going to order a okeif right now :)

guess i'm the only one paying attention.