Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

Matt Rize

What kind of paperwork do you need to go there Matt? I wanna go on a vacation...
Vapor Central is for anyone over 18. Pretty cool, but they don't sell herb or extracts. You have to bring your own. I rented a binger and snapped a few.

The canadian dispensaries are something else, and I'm not there yet.

Matt Rize

matt got lucky cause he knew the people up their (there)

im telling you if you goto toronto just assuming to get stuff youll be highly upset
Got lucky? heh...

I know of several underground sales locations in Toronto, you can just buy everything, like how it should be. You have to know someone and get introduced. Seemed like everyone was puffing.


Well-Known Member
you got lucky man im telling you i grew up in the area and still regular in the area

you werent actually far from me

as i said its available but you have to have the connection

and no one is just gonna say hey you want some herb


Well-Known Member
i'm waiting for new bubble bags in the mail, so i made this stuff with about 15 grams of trim :shock: got about 1.5 grams of this stuff

no bags...this is almost full melt gumby hash. It's dabbable....only leaves a tiny bit of residue on the TI. :hump:



Well-Known Member
none of the bubble bag hash i have made is dabable.....looks like beach sand, almost like a keif...seems too dry or something....not oily like that at all.....if i press it in my palm and turn it into little mouse turd looking chunk it'll smoke on the nail a little but not like an oil dab where it vapors off immediately.

Matt Rize

none of the bubble bag hash i have made is dabable.....looks like beach sand, almost like a keif...seems too dry or something....not oily like that at all.....if i press it in my palm and turn it into little mouse turd looking chunk it'll smoke on the nail a little but not like an oil dab where it vapors off immediately.
that is either genetic, or poorly grown. probably a combo of the two.

all top shelf ice water extracts should be dabable, if grown and made correctly. Some genetics make crumbly melt, some make more of a goo (OG and SourD)


Glassblowing Moderator
This is mag-torch and was only 21.99
What's everyone know about fasfill 5x butane? I can get it cheap and the errl I made with it is bomb as Hell. Just wondered if anyone uses it? I mean I get it wholesale cheap. All I could find online was people saying they pay 6.00 a can and some say its made by vector. It's made in the same country I know and I made oil with vector and fasfil and can't see a difference in it. I could charge 3$ a can and still make a profit. Mirror test came out good as well.

Matt Rize

Another dickhead reply buy the amazing MattRize...thanks anyway tho...I'm just fine smoking it capped on
what? you want me to lie? it is what it is. you get out what you put in. making hash is pretty straight forward. growing good hash genetics to fruition is the hard part. if your water extracts are not full melt, then you need to step it up.


Glassblowing Moderator
Zoom in. It's not chains its definately honey comb pattern. My distributor said they get them with the vector from the same place. Makes you wonder. I'll show pics of the two errls side by side. Same trim, same method, different butane but same results. Same taste same texture but half the price. They said it was newer brand..


Well-Known Member
interesting hrmm

ill ask if they have it at the shop ive only seen them carry regular vector

but if you can get em through vector im sure he can get ahold of them if their that much cheaper it would save me money over time


Glassblowing Moderator
It looked like stores were charging $6 a can still. I'll sell some for 3$ if anyone wants to try it out. I'm getting a couple cases and my friends store sells em for 2.99 each. I'm not sure if they are directly from vector. It's like its the same thing with a different name so they can charge less.