Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

I had my tubes packed in the freezer for like 20 minutes... and it was cold as shit outside.....

the result was butane that was colder and harder to evap... i didn't want to submerge an ice cold pan full of 3 cans of tane into steamy tap water.... (might shatter).... So I had to rest it above the water until the pan stopped being icy then I submerged it and started evaping..

The slightly longer exposure to the butane made my oil a little runnier I think. That is what I usually see when the butane is liquid for so long. When I run my tubes and hit the pan with hot tap water and evap the butane as fast as possible my oil stays super stable... Waxy when you whip it slow then it shatters if you pull it fast or stab it violently at like 72F.. The dish in your hands warms the oil into a taffy state...

On a side note: This tangerine dream oil is killer stuff though. Wow so smooth 8).
well the theory behind it is the cold helps break down the chlorophyll, eg... ever tried making oil out of anything thats been cured, then sun bleached?
i freeze my tubes and use two containers one with hot water(150 degrees) one with butne/oil evaporrationg on top
but the tubes were to full so the butane took to much, very flavor full after a long low heat oven purge, no vac purge yet, then a 4 day out in the open purge coverd of course, i do small runs for personal this was last runs outcome while oven purging
well the theory behind it is the cold helps break down the chlorophyll, eg... ever tried making oil out of anything thats been cured, then sun bleached?

Don't you mean would inhibit the chlorophyll *ability* to be soaked up/taken up by the butane?

Resulting in cleaner oil..>> > Less chlorophyll and smoother dabs..
Chlorophyll b (C55H70O6N4Mg, vegetable based) isnt stripped by butane. There should be none in the oil pan regardless of when you run the oil or how.

Sir V: The pan wont break from going to frozen to steaming hot water. Pyrex dishes break when exposed to extreme heat changes such as putting an empty one on a stove in that video a few dozen pages back........... Your one million percent safe here.
well, today i did the comparison!
i took 1oz of bud for each test (this was not "good" bud. but okay)

So the final numbers are!

Butane -> 28g processed/ 600ml of butane (2cans) gave an end result of 2.1 grams
Isopropanol-> 28g processed/ 1000ml of isopropanol gave an end result of 2.0 grams

for ease and quickness, Butane wins hands down.
For quality!
Sorry to inform most of you... but theres really no contest here..
the isopropanol based oil is without a doubt more potent, and the taste is So much better than the butane based oil.
with that said, the butane stuff smokes easier... its less harsh on the throat and lungs
And, it looks Much prettier haha


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Your silly.

You got 2g of oil off of 2oz of weed with two different methods.

AKA -- the same yield from the same plant

And you think one is more potent? How? :)
i do 350ml of butane or what ever the measurment is but hte numerical value is 350 for every oz and get a similar return, save yourself a can, or 1/8 or a can
Your silly.

You got 2g of oil off of 2oz of weed with two different methods.

AKA -- the same yield from the same plant

And you think one is more potent? How? :)

how about for the fact each solvent has a very different profile? each method returned an approximate equal weight, but the cannabinoids and the cannabinoid profile has been drastically modified by Each solvent.

Eg, look at the pictures! each method resulted in a very different colored and textured concentrate, a clear indication of a different chemical composition....
how about for the fact each solvent has a very different profile? each method returned an approximate equal weight, but the cannabinoids and the cannabinoid profile has been drastically modified by Each solvent.

is this for sure? if so i'd like to learn more.
id like to as well, but unfortunately i do not have a laboratory that would/could be willing to test....
but that in mind, by now we all should know that its not JUST thc that effect a high, theres a great number of cannabinoids, terepenes, and flavanoids ALL of which contribute in different manners and effects

all this test has proven is that the cannabinoid profile in each batch was extracted to different degrees and effectiveness for the various cannabinoids
Why the isopropanol based oil is more potent (in my opinion) I dont have answers for :)

but this is my opinion based upon the reading i have done.
im not sure about the numbers but both a heated or purged oil made with butane will have very little waxs/oils or terpene's just like the ISO right? so wieght would be similar but the butane version would not have been polarized and converted

this is just my thoughts on how they could be similar
Chlorophyll b (C55H70O6N4Mg, vegetable based) isnt stripped by butane. There should be none in the oil pan regardless of when you run the oil or how.

Sir V: The pan wont break from going to frozen to steaming hot water. Pyrex dishes break when exposed to extreme heat changes such as putting an empty one on a stove in that video a few dozen pages back........... Your one million percent safe here.

But it is stripped by alcohol yes? Hence the quick wash ? :) Good to know...

And I think a frozen cold pan dropped into steaming hot water may be a test of the pyrex's strength! This is china pyrex were working with here..
Yes, I can read. :) 2g from 1z and 2.1g from another 1z = pretty much identical yields of the same product = same high = same potency = same. One person saying "god damn this one got me more high" isnt a test. Its one persons opinions. If we had 100 people try it we'd have a better field of opinions to choose from! :)

SrV: It isnt stripped by butane, butane is a non-polar stripper. I dont know about alcohols stripping properties but I'm sure it could be figured out..........

The only way the frozen pan will break when dropped in steaming hot water is if you missed the water and it landed on the floor. :) China Pyrex, dont matter. Its just borosilicate glass. Consider the temperature change. Your making it go from 0(F) to under 200(F) instantly. When I put borosilicate glass in front of my torch, it goes from 75(F) to over 1000(F) instantly too. THAT is a temperature change. :)

"China" glass is just the anti-christ for glassblowers. It doesnt make a difference in the final product, its just working it to BE the final product is more difficult and prone to cracking. Once its made, china glass is just as good as any other glass.