seems like a lot of nails out there that people are buying are complete fakes, or not 100% titanium because they are going the route I almost went... the cheap route. its human nature.
with glass, you cant go wrong whether its boro or quartz IMO. with TI, there is a small chance that youre getting a cheaper, less pure product. and who are you to tell me its pure TI, just because the seller said so?
true oil rigs seem to be 100% glass. no metal whatsoever. some people say ti tastes better. some people say glass tastes better. it all comes down to opinion and how concerned you are on your lungs. there is a fine line where it becomes too much. I have never tried either... I smoke my oil off a bowl full of pooched ash. 1 droplet on top and hit er with the lighter.. but started using a hemp wick recently... all steps towards being more healthy/health freak.
I mean were talking the difference of a fake TI, vs real TI, vs quartz nail all which have 30$ price differences. maybe I just have more money to blow than the average person.. but I find that chintzing out for something like 30 or 40 measly dollars (to probably spend on smokes and other stupid shit anyways) and hurting your irreplaceable lungs just isnt worth it.
and I am no saint, I smoke weed. out of the bong, with a lighter. and sometimes torch it and get tons of butane. after coming to this forum a month ago, I have read and learned so much. 3-4 hour every day for the last 40 or 50 days. I think I am going to switch to smoking concentrates only. cut down on the bud a lot (its disgusting to smoke out of the bong.. my mouth tastes like resin. my spit turns brown. I can wipe my lips with kleenex and turns it a little bit brown. smoking .5 or more grams of pot in 1 hit cant be good. id rather just have a nice big oil hoot. me smoking 1 pure oil hoot out of a water cooled/cleaned oil bong with 0 combustion, or fire.. basically just vaporizing VS someone thats breathing thick dirty, hot unfiltered smoke from a red hot cherry... my new future way sounds a hell of a lot healthier. I have looked into buying an all glass oil rig. fuck combustion!! (check out very cool site)
I have totally joined the "fuck combustion side" of smoking and am slowly turning into "concentrates" only... no more thick, weed hoots full of butane from the lighter for me. only 100% purged BHO vapors

I mean its taking the plant... turning it into a super potent concentrate, then not even smoking the whole concentrate.. only consuming the good part of that extremely potent concentrate. does it get any better?
sorry that got derailed a bit. but no I have no definite proof that its better. just a strong personal opinion. either way. a quality, brand name, oil smoking bowl piece is 75-100$. as long as you dont cheap out and buy an actual TI nail, or any glass nail. you should be fine. seems that a lot of it depends on the temperature too of the nail when youre dabbing the hoot, whether its glass or TI.