Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

something like this would work great if put into a dish of hot water while being purged, wouldnt it?

It should work fine. Besides being able to heat and vacuum the oil, you need to be able to see the bubbling action, to tell what you are doing. We use a glass dessicator, with a Corning 170 Scholar hot plate inside.

We also do cold boiling to remove solvents and use a surplus MASH pump until the solvent is mostly gone, before switching to a single stage AC vacuum pump to finish off at -29.9" Hg. Here is a picture of a set up for cold boiling, as well as a cold boiled alcohol extract and a raw BHO oleoresin extract that was vacuum purged at 115F and -29.9" Hg in a Petri dish.


  • Vacuum purge setup.jpg
    Vacuum purge setup.jpg
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  • Vacuum purged at 29 hg & 115F-1-1.jpg
    Vacuum purged at 29 hg & 115F-1-1.jpg
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  • Thin film vacuum purged BHO absolute (3).jpg
    Thin film vacuum purged BHO absolute (3).jpg
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All due respect, I have been doing more butane extractions due to the economy and the price of ethanol food grade is killer. There is no comparing co2-ethanol extraction. Its got way more top notes even more so than isobutane or the beloved vector are able to provide. Not that isobutane does a bad job, it's just when the same equipment is used to extract the same material in segragated batches, isobutane gets spanked by the methods I employ using co2. Way whoops and easily puts me w an advantagous edge over anybody using butane.
I can get a square mile of tin foil for what a TI nail costs and smoke off that... again, is it worth saving money to ruin your lungs?
Thanks Sr. Verde!
A good point to use the ceramic bowl... i've just been keeping the parchment paper in the dessicator and reheating... but I could see how the constant bowl temp would be a big help... I also ordered a temp gun to check as i'm heating to make sure i dont get to hot... off to do my next round today!

Your going to want to warm up the extract before it goes in the vacuum. Hard oil doesn't let gas escape very well. Heat at low temp for short times.. I use a ceramic bowl, that is heated to 150 inside my vacuum chamber. It keeps the oil warm and it keeps the gasses escaping :).
It seems in reading past posts, that a somewhat loose pack is best. I'm using only sugar leaf, and with many bags to go through, I just upgraded from the O'Keif extractor to a larger local made stainless steel tube... its about 20 tall x 1 7/8ths diam. I'm sure I will suffer a bit in product loss, but I'm willing to balance that out with time saved. My buddy uses a food processor to grind buds, but i'm thinking just hand crunching will be better to get a less dense pack with the larger tube... ... I'm off to give this a try in a bit... third extraction for me... lots to learn...
quartz is healthier. how much does a new set of lungs cost? is it really worth saving 40$ to ruin your lungs?

can u find proof of that please or is this your personal opinion???? titanium has a super high melting point not to worried about heating it up a bit to vape off.
seems like a lot of nails out there that people are buying are complete fakes, or not 100% titanium because they are going the route I almost went... the cheap route. its human nature.

with glass, you cant go wrong whether its boro or quartz IMO. with TI, there is a small chance that youre getting a cheaper, less pure product. and who are you to tell me its pure TI, just because the seller said so?

true oil rigs seem to be 100% glass. no metal whatsoever. some people say ti tastes better. some people say glass tastes better. it all comes down to opinion and how concerned you are on your lungs. there is a fine line where it becomes too much. I have never tried either... I smoke my oil off a bowl full of pooched ash. 1 droplet on top and hit er with the lighter.. but started using a hemp wick recently... all steps towards being more healthy/health freak.

I mean were talking the difference of a fake TI, vs real TI, vs quartz nail all which have 30$ price differences. maybe I just have more money to blow than the average person.. but I find that chintzing out for something like 30 or 40 measly dollars (to probably spend on smokes and other stupid shit anyways) and hurting your irreplaceable lungs just isnt worth it.

and I am no saint, I smoke weed. out of the bong, with a lighter. and sometimes torch it and get tons of butane. after coming to this forum a month ago, I have read and learned so much. 3-4 hour every day for the last 40 or 50 days. I think I am going to switch to smoking concentrates only. cut down on the bud a lot (its disgusting to smoke out of the bong.. my mouth tastes like resin. my spit turns brown. I can wipe my lips with kleenex and turns it a little bit brown. smoking .5 or more grams of pot in 1 hit cant be good. id rather just have a nice big oil hoot. me smoking 1 pure oil hoot out of a water cooled/cleaned oil bong with 0 combustion, or fire.. basically just vaporizing VS someone thats breathing thick dirty, hot unfiltered smoke from a red hot cherry... my new future way sounds a hell of a lot healthier. I have looked into buying an all glass oil rig. fuck combustion!! (check out very cool site)

I have totally joined the "fuck combustion side" of smoking and am slowly turning into "concentrates" only... no more thick, weed hoots full of butane from the lighter for me. only 100% purged BHO vapors :) I mean its taking the plant... turning it into a super potent concentrate, then not even smoking the whole concentrate.. only consuming the good part of that extremely potent concentrate. does it get any better?

sorry that got derailed a bit. but no I have no definite proof that its better. just a strong personal opinion. either way. a quality, brand name, oil smoking bowl piece is 75-100$. as long as you dont cheap out and buy an actual TI nail, or any glass nail. you should be fine. seems that a lot of it depends on the temperature too of the nail when youre dabbing the hoot, whether its glass or TI.
So your basic point is you don't trust manufacturers to use grade 1 or 2 titanium, because there is a slight chance they lie to everybody?

No scientific facts?

Highly Educated seems like a good company. And I don't think it's very difficult to secure a good supply of medical grade titanium for these big manufacturers.. I'll keep torching my v2 :p.
VP has a point in that 6Al4V Titanium is the most common alloy found as scrap and cheaper than commercially pure titanium, which is the proper alloy to use. We make our own wands out of certified aerospace material, and got our nails from a reliable source.

We tested borosilicate, quartz, and CP Ti nails and wands to determine the difference, and subjected them to a test panel to determine preferences.

The panel chose the Ti nail for taste reasons, after the nail was properly seasoned to build a suitable inert alpha case. The borosilicate and quartz nails reliably add a hot glass taste to the oil, but after the Ti nail, skillet, or wand are seasoned, it ceases adding flavor.

We season Ti by heating it to glowing red in the atmosphere and then letting it cool, so as to build an oxide and nitride coating. After a dozen or so cycles, we coat the Ti with reclaimed oil and burn it off, so as to build carbides. Once the free Ti is tied up with oxygen, nitrogen, or carbon, it is highly inert, and enables you to taste the subtle nuances that are missed or altered with the glass.

As everyone probably knows, heat cycling borosilicate eventually results in the nail or wand in multiple pieces, and while the quartz works very well in the application, it is short lived if dropped.
yeah id definitely like to get one of those.

I emailed Joel on facebook and he said 110$ shipped when hes got the material in to make more. seems a little pricey. but look like it works great.

It's 100% quartz....joint too....that's why the price is high.....that...and the pain in the ass to work with quartz....the joint alone cost him $25-30 before its even been put to a torch.......haven't used my Ti in a while!!!
So your basic point is you don't trust manufacturers to use grade 1 or 2 titanium, because there is a slight chance they lie to everybody?

No scientific facts?

Highly Educated seems like a good company. And I don't think it's very difficult to secure a good supply of medical grade titanium for these big manufacturers.. I'll keep torching my v2 :p.

exactly my v1 castle has worked fine for me for YEARS no taste issues ever
something has just always sketched me out about smoking on metal.

the glass/quartz is always going to be clean and fine.

with TI, there is a few things you gotta watch for (it seems like) like scratches and dishonest sellers.

I mean the whole point of a TI nail is for its purity... and if its not 100% pure, then why even smoke off it? I just find that theres too many fake TI nails out there to the point where its almost hard to tell where the real TI ones are coming form. and even then, would you bet your parents or kids lives that those "real ones" are absolutely 100% pure and absolutely no less? I sure hope not. I just dont trust the purity of TI at near 1000C. glass is meant to be heated like that without changing composition. metal/TI im sure oxides and im sure there is other metals in there for processing (aluminum and vanadium). nothing in the industry is really pure nowadays.

either way. I will probably try both. seems they both have their good and their bads. and were all forgetting the big point here... OIL!!!!

it doesnt matter if were getting it 99.5 or 99.9% perfect pure when were smoking.. the fact is, were in those high 90 ranges already. were making a strong, concentrated oil out of a giant bad of weed, then were barely smoking that concentrate vapors with no combustion.. I think its a big enough improvement over what/how a lot of us used to smoke. whether its TI or glass, just make the damn oil right. after that, it doesnt matter how ya smoke it!!!

I am going to try TI and glass. although I see myself liking the glass more.