No, this CA law, also known as the meth lab law, is applied to bho extraction, successfully, in court.
Section 11379.6(a) states: "Except as otherwise provided by law, every person who compounds, converts, produces, derives, processes, or prepares, either directly or indirectly by chemical extraction or independently by means of chemical synthesis, any controlled substance - shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for three, five, or seven years and by a fine up to $50,000"
The clubs sell bho because they want $ and 'tane is all the rage right now. Smart dispensaries, like PIM, do not sell butane extracts because that is technically illegal. 99% of dispensaries do not label their BHO as a butane extract for legal reasons.
My experiences with the two big dispensaries in the county involve being told specifically to never say the word butane, and to lie to the press about how BHO is made, calling it an ice water hash for the reporter.
The good people at Tamisium won't ship their extractors to CA because of this law. They also won't do public demos in the state because of this law.
very nice, how much are the domes?Made these lastnight, first time working with lined tubing!
so let me get this straight... your "opinion" is that growers who actually understand the soil food web and feed their plants accordingly allowing for very healthy plants... are "frauding" consumers by growing a better product? Thats some logic you got.heres my outlook, people feed molasses to fraud consumers w bulk and a sticky end product. That could have a negative effect on the extraction. There could be a contaminant such as sugar itself, perhaps a pixy stick from trick or treaters dropped in the trim bag? If you used vector or ronsonol those are your best bet as isobutane spanks n-butane everyday all day. There are times where an extremely rich oil just doesn't lighten no matter what you got up your sleeve. It's not particulates just tinted dark even black @ times. What really matters to me are the taste and high share first priorities leaving smoothness for third and color is of the least importance in my eyes. So if it taste good, hit good, feel good, butter face. That's about right IMO orders of priority.
Thats some logic you got.
ROFLMFAO! bulk sticky end product, because of molasses? you must be fuckin dumb. molasses isnt what make my bud sticky and FAT! what makes my bud sticky and fat is all the nutes it gets from that great microbial life bring able to tear up that organic material with the added energy obtained from the sugars. sugars/starches dont make your bud sweeter or stickier or any direct effect on the plant really. not to mention how many other fertilizers/products contain the same or slightly different starches and sugars. lunacy, Pure lunacy!heres my outlook, people feed molasses to fraud consumers w bulk and a sticky end product. That could have a negative effect on the extraction. There could be a contaminant such as sugar itself, perhaps a pixy stick from trick or treaters dropped in the trim bag? If you used vector or ronsonol those are your best bet as isobutane spanks n-butane everyday all day. There are times where an extremely rich oil just doesn't lighten no matter what you got up your sleeve. It's not particulates just tinted dark even black @ times. What really matters to me are the taste and high share first priorities leaving smoothness for third and color is of the least importance in my eyes. So if it taste good, hit good, feel good, butter face. That's about right IMO orders of priority.