Squished tendon.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

I was in a car crash and the airbag blew up and a piece of shrapnel flew into my hand and squashed my tendon on the upper side of my hand by the thumb. The tendon that controls my thumb is now inflammed and if I move my thumb around my tendon gets sore. its really painful. I have been rubbing cannabis oil / Rosin onto it daily and it removes the pain 95%. My question is, is cannabis oil bad for tissue repair? I read an article now that says cannabis oil (Edit - Not cannabis oil anti-inflamatories) is bad for tissue repair...Anyone have any ideas?? accident was 4 days ago.

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Hi everyone,

I was in a car crash and the airbag blew up and a piece of shrapnel flew into my hand and squashed my tendon on the upper side of my hand by the thumb. The tendon that controls my thumb is now inflammed and if I move my thumb around my tendon gets sore. its really painful. I have been rubbing cannabis oil / Rosin onto it daily and it removes the pain 95%. My question is, is cannabis oil bad for tissue repair? I read an article now that says cannabis oil is bad for tissue repair...Anyone have any ideas?? accident was 4 days ago.


Source ?

Edit : sorry about your hand bud!
I used cannbis infused coconut oil to rub on a major arm wound a few years ago after a motorcycle wreck. Multiple doctors I was seeing at the time expressed how impressed they were at the way and speed of the healing on the wound. Its just anecdotal evidence, but that was my experience.
Source ?

Edit : sorry about your hand bud!

appologies - the source I was reading did not say cannabis oil - it said anti-inflamatories are bad for tendon tissue repair. Cannabis oil is an anti-inflamatory - so I meant to word it, the article says anti-inflamatories are bad for healing tendons so therefore is cannabis oil bad for healing tendons.
I used cannbis infused coconut oil to rub on a major arm wound a few years ago after a motorcycle wreck. Multiple doctors I was seeing at the time expressed how impressed they were at the way and speed of the healing on the wound. Its just anecdotal evidence, but that was my experience.

Ok thanks!!! its helping a LOT for the pain. I just wanted to make sure I wasent slowing down the healing! Cheers!! Thanks for the kind words!!!
appologies - the source I was reading did not say cannabis oil - it said anti-inflamatories are bad for tendon tissue repair. Cannabis oil is an anti-inflamatory - so I meant to word it, the article says anti-inflamatories are bad for healing tendons so therefore is cannabis oil bad for healing tendons.
When they say anti-inflammatories for sure they are not referring to cannibas products (they mean ibuprofen, etc.) Cannibas products, especially oils meant for topical use, are perfectly safe and natural.
Hey brother. If you're in pain, I definetely suggest fasting and lowering sugars. Once I started One meal a day (especially) and Keto, inflammation and I split up for good. Wish you a safe recovery my friend!
As I understand it...

Inflammation is a part of the tissue repair process.

I prefer the pain so I can track the healing process.

Opium is the best for pain IMO. Or morphine, just gotta be the right dose to avoid paying for the pleasure the next day.

I'm thrilled that cannabis is actually doing something for the pain. It usually makes it worse for me... I think it's mostly mental as I usually focus on the pain and make it much worse. I have an LSD story that would exemplify this.
Hey brother. If you're in pain, I definetely suggest fasting and lowering sugars. Once I started One meal a day (especially) and Keto, inflammation and I split up for good. Wish you a safe recovery my friend!
really...sugar is bad for pain?? thanks for the info!!!
I feel your pain in more ways then one. Just over 2 years ago, and after suffering 3 years of pain before a competent doctor finally helped me. I had surgery on my right wrist where they have to grind down a bone groove to place the ligament back in place after it had popped the tendon. Cannabis has greatly helped my pain needs over the past 3 years when I first started using. It worked better then the pills they gave me after surgery. Stopped taking them after 4 days and was smoking nothing but my homegrown stuff from my first tent grow.

Is the shrapnel still inside? I had a lot of physical problems and used subliminals and binaural beats also manipulating pressure points etc, it's been a ride