

Well-Known Member
so my uncle has got his medical running now in his seperate from the house garage. for the last month hes had squirells running in and out threw his plants, behind his plastic and all i can do is laugh he didnt want t okill them because its "in-humane" just went over their to see 3 dead squireels outside the door.. "WELL THOSE MUTHERFUCKERS ATE 3 OF MY PLANTS!" i couldnt help myself my laughing. i told him they will ravage his plants and he didnt belive me.


Active Member
I once stashed over 2 ounces of seed in a tupperware container in my garage, I never figured the squirrels or chipmunks would bother them.
I was wrong, the little rodents gnawed through the tupperware and shucked and ate every seed, needless to say, the war was on and all stashes are now sealed in tins.


Active Member
Well someone taught those fluff tails a lesson! Actually not really because it's only a matter of time before the next smart squirrel finds it's way into that warm "giant hollow tree". You and your Unc definently need to seal off wherever they got in from because you will have more and I'm sure there already are mice comming in through that hole. Mice get in through everything but if it's big enough for a squirrel then you need to block that for sure.

Hey hell of a job though by him. How did he get them? If anyone ever need's critter help let me know, live or lethal, I'm here to lend advice. Personally I'm not "allowed" to take a stand on the human vs inhumane debate though because where I'm from if you don't want something released back on to your property then I lawfully have to euthanize it. :( In my eyes it's better to set lethal traps in that situation because animals beat themselves up in the live traps.

I've heard of mice and chipmunks rummaging through peoples MJ, and other types of crops. They are after potential seed's, I'd guarentee it.


Buddy the Trapper (The Wildlife Trapper... not the other kind of trapper ;))


Well-Known Member
He's pretty fast or those were bold squirels to get em with a shove. They would of had a better chance playing chicken on the road.:mrgreen: