Square Foot Garden Grow Journal


Active Member
Hello all, I though that I would go ahead and make a grow Journal for my Square Foot Garden (SFG) grow. If I am growing like this, than I am sure that someone else is doing it or has done it in the past.

I am fairly new to gardening in general so I needed some easy straight forward guidance. I have a friend that is a nursery manager of all things and he pointed me in this direction. http://www.amazon.com/All-New-Square-Foot-Gardening/dp/1591862027/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1334709192&sr=8-

Here are a few details about the grow medium that I am using.

Mel's Mix - This is a soul composition based on the Square Food Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. My particular Mel's Mix is comprised of the following:

1/3 Peet Moss
1/3 Vermiculite
1/3 Compost (Cotton Burr - Cow Manure - Worm Castings - Mushroom Compost)

I am attempting to stay pretty true to the Square Foot Gardening Methods outlined in the book. I figured in doing that and keeping my nose in the RIP boards should be just fine.

Oklahoma has been having a lovely spring. With this spring, an experiment was in order. I germinated 10 completely random bag seeds using the paper towel method. I ended up using a DVD case, and then set it on top of my internet router. Had no problem at all, the 10 seeds all popped within 48 hours. The seedlings were then moved straight into the SFG. The plan is to cull all but two females.

As of right now, 6 of them have popped from the soil. Some may have been lost. I have a very dumb dog that thinks she owns the world. She decided to take a trek in 5 of my 8 square feet. Potentially smashing some babies during her march of tyranny. I haven't lost all hope though the last sprout just popped today, there is still hope for the remainders.

Besides that this is my first grow and hope that its an enjoyable challenge. Here are some pictures of the set up, and my six babies. Sorry for the poor iPhone picures, it was darker than I expected.

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Active Member
Hello All,

Wanted to post a quick update of my little guys. (and hopefully two gals) This is day 12 since they popped. I ended up having 7 of the 10 pop after all 10 germinated. The last one popped out of nowhere being much later then the others. I have a feeling I probably will pull it before I even have a chance to know its sex due to limited space. Anyhow, here are some pictures I took this morning. I decided to install an mister irrigation system so watering would be a bit easier. A water valve timer is my next purchase ahead.

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