Sprouts are 12 days old, getting good roots; can I add a VERY small amount of nutes..


Active Member
while they are in the tray? Or; just wait for week 3-4?

Great roots popping through the rockwool, and they just look like they want something more then distilled water. The main grow room isn't ready just yet, have res. water temp issues so the little guys will have to stay in the trays a bit longer.

Your thoughts?


Active Member
Wait till week 3 to feed man ur gonna burn them
yeah, that was my thought, getting to jittery and wanting to see these suckers take off! So week 3, start with a 1/4 strenght solution?

P.S. To anyone that WANTS to reinvent the wheel, don't! What a cluster fuck getting this room set up.....


Well-Known Member
Haha I know that's right, yea week 3 is pretty standard, if u burn them ur just gonna set them back bro so just have patience because ur gonna need it

Beeb Beebman

Active Member
I would agree with the above posters. I know you must be wanting to try and help them along in any way by feeding them, but I'd just chill for a week or two then do a 1/4 str. feed. I'm usually pretty light handed with my nutes anyway. So yea, just be patient bro.


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and douche them.

It will be a learning experience and one I doubt you'll ever repeat. :o

But then again, RW and distilled water .....

What do you have for nutes?
