Sprouting Seeds Round 2!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey, I am currently about to start my 2nd grow or in the process of doing so, this site was very helpful for my first grow in correcting deficiencies and things of that nature so hopefully I can get some good insight on this next one.

My question/problem is this, I literaly have been unable to sprout seeds for reasons I do not know. I didnt have this problem for my first grow, I get my seeds from nirvana, and I literally 3 out of 12 seeds to sprout. Those plants are growing vigorously, and now I just got my seeds that I ordered from nirvana due to the fact I was out of seeds. Now I dont want a repeat of my last attempt to sprout my seeds so heres what I did.

I used the paper towel method and the float method where you float the seeds in some ph'd water in a dark semi warm area. I actually found that floating seeds in water cracks seeds way better than the paper towel method. After my tap root was showing, I put the seed in a little hole in my 3x3 rockwool cubes and put in my ebb and flow tray system. I have reason to believe I may have over watered some of my seeds as I germed my seeds 4 at a time and when they werent sprouting I would germ some more, I think I over watered my first set of 4 and possibly the 2nd set of 4 as well. But I just kept the cubes moist and watered like once a day and still couldnt get them to sprout, I waited about a week and gave up on them.

What is the best way to get seeds to sprout in a ebb and flow system!!! Im using t5 flouros and I literally dont want a repeat of last time as I just spent 160 bucks on new seeds.