sprout with seed still on


Active Member
hey just had a seed that it thought might be dead sprout im so happy as it didnt grow a tap root after germing for 4 days now after being in soil for 3 it grew out but the seed it still on top of the sprout looks wierd what does that mean?


Well-Known Member
It's a "helmet head" lol. Well in my case if they can't remove that little seed shell on there own in a few days I help them out. They kind of deform if it stays on too long. It will be just fine anyways :)


Active Member
wow thats awesome to hear thanks a bunch its still a babie so if its not off in a few days ill give it some help thanks a bunch.


Well-Known Member
Ya I usually do it ever so gently w/ my fingers. That needle idea or some substitute sounds good. Even I'll be doing that from now on. Thanks +rep


Well-Known Member
Wait at least 2 more days. I pluck off the seed when the first pair of leaves are trying to push the seed off. You can tell when they need help. They'll be struggling to remove it.


Well-Known Member
Wait at least 2 more days. I pluck of the seed when the first pair of leaves are trying to push the seed off. You can tell when they need help. They'll be struggling to remove it.
I just had one and left the seed on. It turned out like a retard but its corrected itself already.


Well-Known Member
Ya they do go retarded for a bit. I've always removed the seed, and still got a few retards. I don't know how retarded they become if you don't help.

chronic curt

Active Member
this is my first grow i am growing AMS i planted three seeds to start with but a freind recommended a halogen light but i think it was to hot and all three died =[ but now i am just growing one i am gettin proper lights soon but for the mean time there under a powerful reading lamp it sprouted within a two days and now its nearly two inches but the seed was still stuck on one leaf was trying to get threw but the seed was stuck on tight i read the forums and decided to help it of but it ripped one of the leaves in half will this effect the growth of my plant?


Well-Known Member
It probably will. I'm not sure myself b/c I never pull that hard. If it is a little tough to pull off I wouldn't mess w/ it to much.


Well-Known Member
I you are confident enougth to remove the seed cap then do so if not the new leaves will push it off, most seeds that are germanated this happens to i get something to push it to one side and it will just fall off be careful though seedlings at this age are very easyly broken.


Active Member
ok so sprout grew like crazy last night seed still on top only half of the shell is connected fucked with it a little and it was on there pretty strong so didnt fuck with to much should come off by me tonight or by itself in the morning. thanks for all the help