springtails intensionaly


Well-Known Member
I have spring tails on my old coco. Loads of em. And even on my kitchen seedlings soil.

Do i put a scoop in my living soil as some say there benefits?or do i keepbthem out aslong as possible.

They feed on fungi sobwont they eat all my fungi?

Some hate em some love em
Do i put them in purposely?
I have spring tails on my old coco. Loads of em. And even on my kitchen seedlings soil.

Do i put a scoop in my living soil as some say there benefits?or do i keepbthem out aslong as possible.

They feed on fungi sobwont they eat all my fungi?

Some hate em some love em
Do i put them in purposely?
If you only grow in soil they are fine. Hate them in the hydro reservoir though. If you grow hydro I would eradicate them.
I’ve had them for an entire grow once, I used an old potting soil without checking and found them while watering. They proved to be pretty beneficial. They kept the soil healthy and thriving, and they seemed to avoid the plant entirely and reside only in the soil.
Had very few issues with the plants overall (unlike the clones I took that did not have the springtails)

Bonus part was.. They weren’t an infestation issue - for me at least - I got rid of the pots they were in - after harvest - and they disappeared with them.
I’ve had them for an entire grow once, I used an old potting soil without checking and found them while watering. They proved to be pretty beneficial. They kept the soil healthy and thriving, and they seemed to avoid the plant entirely and reside only in the soil.
Had very few issues with the plants overall (unlike the clones I took that did not have the springtails)

Bonus part was.. They weren’t an infestation issue - for me at least - I got rid of the pots they were in - after harvest - and they disappeared with them.
Yeah. I am organic lol.
I wasnt and ye they seem beneficial.
They help andblike u said ive had no problems since havin em. And if anything my best yield yet .

So wondered if i shoul cut the coco over my organic bed lol.