Spring outdoor harvest?


Hi, I got a plant from a friend that was in sad shape, it was tall and sparse, probably due to lack of sufficient lighting. This is my first time growing marijuana but I have a horticultural background so I have been able to soak up a lot of information pretty quickly. I put it under some more intense lighting for an 18/6 veg cycle and started regular feedings and after about 4 weeks had really filled out and looked much healthier. The problem I have now is the 2'x2'x5' grow box I built is likely going to be too small for this plant.

So here is what I have been thinking, I made a few clones from it that have vegged nicely and I would like to move those to the grow box for an indoor flowering period. I started the flowering cycle on the big plant on March 29th. I was thinking of maybe starting to harden it off and bringing it outdoors and slowly stepping it up to the 13 hours that we currently have outside. My hope is that I can get the plant to flower and be ready for a spring harvest outdoors. We have about 15.5 hours around June 1st, would this be too much and would it start trying to revert to veg? What if I was vigilant about bringing the plant outside in the morning and into the garage at night on a schedule so that it had limited daylight hours? My other concern is here in Portland, OR the rain doesn't usually stop entirely until late june or early july so would I potentially have mold issues? It is also going to be on average about 60 degrees during this period with some dips into the 40s even if I bring it in at night, is that going to stress the plant out too much?

I'm kind of thinking since I have 3 other healthy plants in the grow box of just throwing it outside (with some hardening off time) and seeing what happens unless someone can tell me what I am trying to do will almost certainly not work.


Well-Known Member
Hi, I got a plant from a friend that was in sad shape, it was tall and sparse, probably due to lack of sufficient lighting. This is my first time growing marijuana but I have a horticultural background so I have been able to soak up a lot of information pretty quickly. I put it under some more intense lighting for an 18/6 veg cycle and started regular feedings and after about 4 weeks had really filled out and looked much healthier. The problem I have now is the 2'x2'x5' grow box I built is likely going to be too small for this plant.

So here is what I have been thinking, I made a few clones from it that have vegged nicely and I would like to move those to the grow box for an indoor flowering period. I started the flowering cycle on the big plant on March 29th. I was thinking of maybe starting to harden it off and bringing it outdoors and slowly stepping it up to the 13 hours that we currently have outside. My hope is that I can get the plant to flower and be ready for a spring harvest outdoors. We have about 15.5 hours around June 1st, would this be too much and would it start trying to revert to veg? What if I was vigilant about bringing the plant outside in the morning and into the garage at night on a schedule so that it had limited daylight hours? My other concern is here in Portland, OR the rain doesn't usually stop entirely until late june or early july so would I potentially have mold issues? It is also going to be on average about 60 degrees during this period with some dips into the 40s even if I bring it in at night, is that going to stress the plant out too much?

I'm kind of thinking since I have 3 other healthy plants in the grow box of just throwing it outside (with some hardening off time) and seeing what happens unless someone can tell me what I am trying to do will almost certainly not work.
your theory is a sound one, however its ALL predicated on the strain, some will be fine doing that, some won't
even in a short night when the plant sees days getting longer it can keep them vegging or do the quasi-regen thing where it goes back and forth
I've been successful only once on spring harvests, tried with five different strains at different times.
the other issue is spring is notorious for rain and warm humid weather...
course that's all determined by where you are
the temps down to 40 isn't an issue, especially if its a indica, which is your best bet for this type of thing anyways

Indica Charmer

Active Member
If you put it outside now, it will just keep vegging(if it doesn't get hit by frost or something)... and will probably turn into a huge monster by fall, if you keep transplanting and feeding it. Otherwise, you could move it in and out, being sure that it receives 12 hours of total darkness per day, and it would flower out. Total darkness meaning not even a pinch of light!


It is Obama Kush which is an Indica dominant hybrid. It already has the early stages of flowers on it in the almost 2 weeks since I moved it to a 12/12 schedule. Do you really think moving out to 13 hours (with a little transition time) will kick it back into veg mode? I'm fine with it going back into veg and being a fall monster but everything i've read is that going from veg to flower and back to veg severely stresses the plant to the point where it won't produce much or have low quality bud come fall.