Spreading the Good Word.......How to grow Cannabis for the Beginner


Active Member
Hello and welcome all,

I am a grower and it is my passion. I love it. I have started this thread as I hope it will help all of the noobs out there to grow as well as I do. I understand that there is A LOT of conflicting information out there, with people going to incrediable lenghts to pass on false or non-creditable help to you the nieve grower.

Let me first start by saying that every piece of info that I pass on HAS been tested by myself AND my friends.....I do not wish to over-complicate the matter and i ask anyone who intends to also post help to remember this is for new to the trade peeps and we dont need a masters class lecture on such topics.

If 10 years of growing has taught me anything its KEEP IT SIMPLE!!!! Ive been there and done it all in regards to trial and error. Soil, Coco, Wilmas, Ebb&Flo, Aero and NFT ive tried it all and though each has its benifits they all also have there drawbacks.

So I ask.....no BEG all of my fellow lovers of the herb, ask me the questions thats on your mind and remember theres always more to learn.
is there any decent nutrients i can get from like home depot??? i live in the sticks and dont have much access to any nurserys or aquatic stores......i got one female plant....first time grower....whats ur advice.....currently growing in scotts hyponex potting soil in 5 gal pot.......plant is right at about 2 months i think...bout 20" will be bringing her in to induce flowering soon...cuz i dont want her too big cuz shes outside in direct sunlight during the day .....topped her about a week ago plantpic4.jpgplantpic5.jpgplantpic6.jpgplantpic7.jpg


Active Member
If you have experience with auto-flowering strains, I have a lowryder #2 regular seed in some Fox Farms Ocean Forest. It's been a week since planted into the soil, and so far it looks good.

Is it okay to have it just under one 23 Watt CFL for now? The other one made the temps in my grow box too warm.
I'm rather confused how to feed my plant. Do I mix all the nutes together in a gallon of water??


Active Member
yello all..

okay doke countryboy......home depot....hmmm im from scotland mate but what you are looking for is a feed advertised as a tomato feed would be best if you cant get to a grow shop......something along the lines of 2-1-1 or 1-2-2 NPK ratio will give ur plant what it needs.......just always make sure its food designed for EDIBLE vegs. plants looking good and healthy for being outside......man id love the weather to do that...lol

knowmad yo buddy....to be honest one CFL is a bit shy....more light is needed if you grow cfl.....i wont say it cant be done as itll grow with little light if ur environment is good...its just that itll dissapoint you in regards to the end product......im sure that fox farm put enough feed to last a few weeks growth. it should give a rough estimate on how long....so just water for at least 2 weeks.....then a guess itll be gallon/ml as im in UK its liters/ml eg......1ml per litre or 10ml per 10 liters mix it all up good in ur bucket or what ever and thats you.....note that some nutes will say they can only be kept for so long once mixed...though it tends to be organic its always good to check


Active Member
monkeybones ma man........red what!!....any pics??? are the bannana like or a wee set of ball bags?? either sounds male or uve got some funky shit...lol....pics??

they really do sound like male pollen sacks and the red colour a presume is due to the strain or the plants cold....sorry man.....was it female seeds u bought or some randoms u came accross?


Active Member
knowmad.....whats ur temps/humidity?? ta

and u know the light times right???? have to ask...lol....that lowryder 2 is a bit nutrient sensitive so be careful..lol


I bought miracle grow indoor plant fertilizer NPK ratio 8-7-6. Any word if this is to strong/ not strong enough? It was the lowest I could find, other ratios were 20-15-20, etc. I'm just a noon growing a bagseed under cfls


Active Member
it it for edible plants donii?????? have u read the label???? the ratio will do...its just more concentrated then the 2-1-2 aka 20-15-20....if it is ok for vegs then start off at a half strength dose and work up to max


Well-Known Member
Damn monkeybones..red balls try Cruex.
When do "nanners" start dumping pollen? Want the pollen for another plant. Nevergrow seeds.


Active Member
your all good for 3-5weeks.....its great making your own seeds....a crossed a lemon skunk female from DNA with a male skunk #1 from flying dutchmen...well chuffed with the resulting lemon super skunk...lol


Then why did the 8-7-6 label say 8% N 7% P 6% K and the 20-20-20 was 20% NPK? wouldn't that be less concentration?


Active Member
no really.....its not like both would tell you to put the same dosage per liter or gallon......eg.....2-1-1 v 20-10-10.....the ratio of ml/L of the 2-1-1 is going to be greater than the 20-10-10....10ml per liter v 1ml per litre....you see????


Active Member
To answer your question greenfinger, the temperature is usually 74-80 degrees F (i think thats 22-26 C). And my lights schedule right now is 24/0.

It's a 11 days old, been watering it with some super thrive mixed in. Also just transplanted it into a permanent pot. Under 2 23 watt 6500k CFL's. Planning on adding two more when it gets older. Is it okay to have it at 6500k CFL's for the entirety of it's life? Or do I have to get 2700K CFL's?


Active Member
thats good you got it transplanted to a bigger pot sooner than later....for the cfls.....i always start be saying if u can afford to get a 250w HID ballast id do so...lol....they are second to none at the mo....that being said i have seen some stonkers of cfl grows online....the best bit of advice i can give you is remember that the more light of equal wattage you use is not giving you more intence light...its making the light more available....spectrum is KEY when ur working with low light intensaties so getting the proper spectrum for the stage the plant is at is vital.....plenty blue spectrum for the veg cycle 6500k and red for the flower 2700k.....if you plan to have 4 bulbs running i would use (3) 2700k to (1) 6500k