spread the love


Well-Known Member
Too many Damn negative threads arguing who's right who's wrong etc etc blah blah blah...so this thread is only positive thing, things u love, things that make u happy...I think u get the idea

Things that make me happy.
Smiles on kiddos
Walking in the sun with no real destination
Enjoying a jbird in the mountains
Happy plants
Doing something for someone I don't know

There are a few to get started...life is hard enough without bringing eachother down...


Staff member
giving help to the homeless ( i volunteer at a soup kitchen)

lots of things make me happy



Well-Known Member
Kind of hard to be a happy troll when the top personality of Rollitup tells to me and anyone else that religious people are delusional.

outside of ganja, i enjoy watching doves and other birds acting like birds do, being totally free and flying to where they want to be :)


Well-Known Member
Music makes me happy. Playing it especially. And singing. Singing is pretty healing. I like to sing with other people. That makes me happy.

Sunlight. At this point in the cycle in this area, the cold keeps me inside way too much and I get very little direct sunlight. Even if you do go outside it's too cold to expose skin for long. And I can quite literally say that sunlight makes me happy. I've got to move to Hawaii and do an outdoor grow...

I guess a lot of things make me happy too. But those are pretty major for me.


Well-Known Member
giving help to the homeless ( i volunteer at a soup kitchen)

lots of things make me happy

I work the soup kitchen every Thanksgiving. Things that make me happy.....
Getting a tattoo
my son saying he loves doing dishes with me
More beer
Working in the garden jamming to white stripes or black keys.
Reading a thread that reminds me of what makes me happy ;)


Well-Known Member
"Happy plants" right on, I love seeing my plants flourish and do well. I'm watching the canopy recover from a transplant and a shift from bad CFL lighting to a 10-bulb PAR spectrum T5 setting and it's so awesome to see it fill out. I can't wait to scrog it when my supplies get here.. ordered some bamboo sticks I'm gonna tie together in a grid...

speaking of which, this is a pretty big one and it's not a real word either: McGuyvering.

I love McGuyvering shit. You know, diy engineering shit. That is so much fun. This hobby has allowed for a lot of it, of course, and I have been really wrapped up in it as a result. Smoking weed has a way of bringing out the inner McGuyver in anyone. :leaf::-P


Well-Known Member
new life in the world baby's being born/seeds popping ;-) getting up out of your seat to let older ones sit down..... seeing others in love,being in love..... i feel the love in this thread and love to hug everyone of you ;-) xx


Well-Known Member
new life in the world baby's being born/seeds popping ;-) getting up out of your seat to let older ones sit down..... seeing others in love,being in love..... i feel the love in this thread and love to hug everyone of you ;-) xx
Hugs make me happy too