Spraying foliage with water


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone,

I was wondering, since it rains naturally on the plants outdoors, if it's a good idea to spray the leaves with water once in awhile? I think if you start spraying at an early age it will make the plant stronger and keep the spider mite population low since they prefer dryness? Please leave your comments!


Well-Known Member
it kinda depends on lighting, if you have hids its not a good idea, the water would magnify the light, and could damage your plant. especialy at a young age...

i have heard of spraying with co2 water but not generaly just spraying, only with clones.

but it is possable for the plant to absorb nutrients in the water through theyre leaves. this is common in fog systems.


Well-Known Member
i mist my plants in between waterings....should i stop doin this..(using CFLs) i also water about once everyday to once every one and a half day...


Well-Known Member

If you have to water everyday, it's time to transplant to bigger pots. I believe in misting the plants with water once a week, after my hid's have gone off and only in veg. I believe this will make the stems stronger, keep the dust off and keep spider mites at bay. I cannot see why spraying a plant would have negative effects when they survive and do much better outdoors, and it rains outdoors.


Well-Known Member
when i water them i only use about half a cup to a cup(depending on the dryness of the soil..) there only 13 days old and there in a gallon bucket...when i first transplanted out of there cups i watered the bucket untill water drained out the bottom...and in a week or so i will flush the pots.....or should i not do that?....


Well-Known Member
No do not flush, LOL! You should only flush if you have been using a lot of nutrients. That said, do not use nutes now, your 1 gallon is good for a month. Also, after a month you should transplant them in at least 3 gallon pots, 5 is better.


Well-Known Member
No do not flush, LOL! You should only flush if you have been using a lot of nutrients. That said, do not use nutes now, your 1 gallon is good for a month. Also, after a month you should transplant them in at least 3 gallon pots, 5 is better.
k thanks...im not using any nutes...i am using a miracle gro/vermiculite mix soil tho...

and i will be transplanting into 5 gal buckets here in a little while......

is there a way to controll how tall the plant gets tho..cuz im working with limited space...

if i force flowering stage when there smaller would this help keep them shorter but yet still produce worthwhile buds?...im no where near that stage yet tho..


Well-Known Member
I personally think miracle grow is crap for weed, but some people are successful with it. Because you are using MG, be careful with nutes! You probably won't have to use any for a awhile with that kind of soil. What strain you growing? If you want to keep them short, wait another 3 weeks and cut the top shoot off, then wait another week and start flowering. That's what I did last grow with an indica and it grew 2 and a half feet and bushy. I had an average of 5 good size colas per plant.


Well-Known Member
The only reason to my knowledge u should spray the foilage is when the ph of the soil is to low caused by the large amounts of fertilizer's used.
The soil builds up with salts causing it to be more (acidic)

use very diluted fertilizers when spraying the foiliage,


Well-Known Member
its a indica im pretty sure...it was just bag seed i got from a friend...they tryed to start a gro project but failed (they tryed using a blacklight to get it started...i said it wouldnt work but they were rubbin it in my face after it sprouted...but then it has done nothing but shot straight up its stalk and is barely making leaves...its about 7 inches tall....)) anyway....im only 14 days into it(after sprrouting) and i already have 2 plants growin and one is doing amazing...
anyway..(i feel i kinda stole this thread.......back on topic).....as far as pest control goes...not too sure..i have yet to run into that problem....


Well-Known Member
Ok I spray the fuck out of my plants like a few times a week and they are kept 8 inches max from a 600w air cooled hps they have no problems that i can see. amplifying the light is a good thing so long as they dont burn eh? I also use a fogger to deliver nutes on a constant basis and they love it my little girls grow so fast!! Actually kinda hard keeping the light so close cuz i have to be really carefull to adjust the light frequently cuz my babies grow so damn quick. I burned 2 of em already. they healed finally tho.


Active Member
it's important to keep the stomata clean by spraying the underside of the leaves where they all meet very week or two, a clean stomata will absorb c02 faster and keep your girls happy Also the spray will actually blast early mites right off, a fan will also help make them strong and help keep mites off.


Active Member
Ok I spray the fuck out of my plants like a few times a week and they are kept 8 inches max from a 600w air cooled hps they have no problems that i can see. amplifying the light is a good thing so long as they dont burn eh? I also use a fogger to deliver nutes on a constant basis and they love it my little girls grow so fast!! Actually kinda hard keeping the light so close cuz i have to be really carefull to adjust the light frequently cuz my babies grow so damn quick. I burned 2 of em already. they healed finally tho.
i agree with doc green eggs and ham, though this is my first grow i have 4 ladies under a 400w light and i sprayed them down almost everytime i watered them ( feed schedule days 1+2 water, 3rd day break) and i have never seen problem from it. if anything it helped them i think! but i only did that during veg. not during flower


Well-Known Member
Ok I spray the fuck out of my plants like a few times a week and they are kept 8 inches max from a 600w air cooled hps they have no problems that i can see. amplifying the light is a good thing so long as they dont burn eh? I also use a fogger to deliver nutes on a constant basis and they love it my little girls grow so fast!! Actually kinda hard keeping the light so close cuz i have to be really carefull to adjust the light frequently cuz my babies grow so damn quick. I burned 2 of em already. they healed finally tho.
the fogger is a great idea and a great way to do that, idk how much more spraying can help if you have a fogger goin, but hey if it works for you stick to it!


Well-Known Member
like i said i only spray my clones when they are rooting, ill spray my mom once every few weeks to clean her but besides that i have stopped spraying. in my oppinion with small plants under hids its a bad idea because it delays the hardening off of the plant, also can damage them easier. now small plants under cfls would be fine to spray, they dont need to harden off as much. or if you have a cooled hood, i have no cooled hood on a 400w mh/hps in a 3foot wide, 2 foot deep, 5foot high area, its hot. like my norm temp is like 85 or more... maybe down to like 80 at night... kinda sucks... but my plants grow fine.

mom looks a little droopy cuz the pic was right befor i watered.



Well-Known Member
Foliage spraying is good and can be used for many things. Its the fastest way to get water and nutes to your plant. I spray clones, mothers before and after cloning, plants in veg. and just the early flower stage (stretch phase). Use a spray bottle that makes a fine mist and lift the plants' leaves to spray the under sides until the leaves are dripping. I like to use maxi-gro liquid kelp aerated in phed H2O for a general health booster. Any nutes can be added to slove nute problems though, just mix as directed, ph, and I would deffinatly aerate with an air pump and bubble stones. Spray either right before lights come on or shortly after when the plants need it. Try to keep from over watering, it will promote mold. Gl and remember aerate that shit! ur plants will love you for it... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Spider mites, you probably will get them at some point, you in BC Canada? They are little fuckers, hard to get rid of them, time consuming to control them.

First time I grew I topped my plants and LST them, but now I like just letting them grow and I only prune the lower weaker branches a week or so into flowering because I love that one big fat cola at the top, it's money! Also veg time is way longer if you stress out your plant in every which way.


Well-Known Member
yea that was wierd... i didnt mean to post that here... i am not on a time frame, im just doin it to do it, i only take a few clones from it every once in a while, it has pleanty of time to recover from any streas.


Well-Known Member
I never,ever spray my plants,not even during veg.
I believe that this helps them to produce more resin as its a drier environment and it also helps to eliminate any rot issues:weed: