

Active Member
th_PIC-0256.jpgdunno y my pics from phone are always so small sorry but its those 3 dots on the left its on a few other leaves this shit happend to my last plant wtf!! im using bat guano 8-3-1 n i make it into a tea. just been using water and superthrive since this apeard. this shit fucked my last plant up! dont want i to happin again help!!
MANGANESE (Mn) Necrotic and yellow spots form on top leaves. Mn deficiency occurs when large amounts of Mg are present in the soil. Foliar feed with any chemical fertilizer containing Mn. i could be wrong its hard to see the photo


Active Member
yea i know ill try n get better pics up. on my last plant that this happend to its starte on the bottom and kinda worked its way up. it sucked cuz it was bushy ass hell on the top but not so much on the bottom... dunno why im pretty new at growing but all i use is bat guano during veg. still trying to find the soil thats right for me but its organic to! got some squirrel on the front haha. only had problems during veg never budding