Spots on leafs


Active Member
They look a little under or over watered, but overall they look healthy maybe a leaf or two not so well


Active Member
Personally that seems like a lot to me, unless you’re doing less than like 100ml each time. Rainwater is good it has all of the micro nutrients needed, it it stagnant barrel water?


Active Member
The only thing I can think of is algae in the barrel your getting it from. It’s in flower right? Hard to tell it seems like really early flower but I’m not sure


Active Member
Ahhh ok, I would if you can get a p and k supplement as well as a cal mag, unless you just transferred into new nutrient rich soil, could be any one of these deficiencies starting to arise in its new demand for all of them


Active Member
If you were in the ground I wouldn’t worry about it but the pot can only hold so many nutrients for so long

SCM 831

Well-Known Member
I’d recommend just giving a good full watering and then waiting till it’s dry. They’re not really meant to be watered everyday