Spots All Over Leaves


Hey, so im about 30 days into flowering and alot of my bottom leaves have these spots all over them, at first i thought that it was powdery mold but it does NOT rub off and it looks weird, this is my first grow so i have no clue what this could possibly be.

These are ALL over the bottom leaves on every plant, if its powdery mold what can i do at this point in flowering? (30 days)


Well-Known Member
If its mold, look into spraying a diluted H2O2 mix on your leaves. I haven't used any commercial brand mold remover, but I'd take them all outside spray the leaves until all the mold dripped off. Since theirs still spores you want to clean your grow space while your plants are outside.


Well-Known Member
get better pics. looks like a mag. def. from here but i can't really tell. if they are golden/rust or yellow spots it's not mold.


after looking into it alot more im 90% sure that its thrips, what i don't know is if it will affect the bud quality/yeild.


Well-Known Member
well im pretty sure its over fertilization, the leaves are curled down like its had some salt build up. what are you nutes and how often do you feed. there is an outside chance that the ph caused it to get burned.

i say flush em real good and let them dry. then resume feeding with only half strength(900-1500ppm) every other watering
heres an over fertilization pic example... looks like we found a winner +rep
View attachment 1748397


Well-Known Member
well im pretty sure its over fertilization, the leaves are curled down like its had some salt build up. what are you nutes and how often do you feed. there is an outside chance that the ph caused it to get burned.

i say flush em real good and let them dry. then resume feeding with only half strength(900-1500ppm) every other watering
heres an over fertilization pic example... looks like we found a winner +rep
View attachment 1748397
*that one doesnt look like mites, but the other pic did.. :P looks like fert burn, just my .2s


Well-Known Member
How do you guys even credit yourself as growers if you can't even tell that he has spidermites?


Well-Known Member
How do you guys even credit yourself as growers if you can't even tell that he has spidermites?
Because I haven't had spidermites yet. Also because its a shitty picture of two leaves. Thirdly because I diddn't say it was mold, I was giving him the cure for mold.
Imo the spots are too uneven to be spider mites.


Well-Known Member
i'd like to know how it can be determined he has mites from the same out of focus pics i'm seeing. thrips are easy to spot, so are mites. i didn't see a bug in the pic, did you?


I joined today to document my attempt to rid my plants (6wk into flowering) of spidermites using voltage. Thats right I had the idea to try using a low voltage battery and water to pop the eggs and drop the mites. I did allot of looking and the idea is out there but nobody has documented anything with the theory. Let ppl know how the next day effects play out in a day or 2. {specs, indoor, minor infestation, dirt, 9v battery} Let the fry session begin :0)


Well-Known Member
:leaf: I read mighty wash sucks. Milk kills mold and the first picture sucks. Just my o2. :-P
I cannot read what you are saying, your boobs on your avatar keep getting in the way, sorry its late and im a male.

So it dosent look like anything really, could be mites could be a deficiency/toxicity, i think we all agree those pics are very blurry and no detail. If its mites surely you wold be able to find some on futher inspection of your plants. Peace


Well-Known Member
You will read that FFOF or Roots Organics sucks somewhere on the web too. Mighty Wash is the Shyt. Personal Experience.


Well-Known Member
I joined today to document my attempt to rid my plants (6wk into flowering) of spidermites using voltage. Thats right I had the idea to try using a low voltage battery and water to pop the eggs and drop the mites. I did allot of looking and the idea is out there but nobody has documented anything with the theory. Let ppl know how the next day effects play out in a day or 2. {specs, indoor, minor infestation, dirt, 9v battery} Let the fry session begin :0)
There have been documented studies about how low eletrical fields around plants promote growth, even make them grow downwards instead of up. However i have never ever seen eletrical fields or currents used to kill any pests. Peace