Spork's Grow Cab 1.0 - Making Jack Herer Mothers

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
I dialed in the EF system to the proper height for the cubes. One of them is starting to show the taproot through the bottom of the larger cube so I expect by tomorrow they will be ready to be fed by the system.

I went ahead and threw the extra bonus seeds in the clone chamber, going to just flower them directly in a seperate area as bonus smoke.

The leaves on a few of them are getting pretty broad and the light damaged one is the furthest along, most likely to compensate for having bad leaves.

a. AN GMB, 200ppm
b. 5.8ph
c. 6x6x3 inch RW cubes, sitting in hydroton.
d. Min Max 75/82 degrees F.
e. 7am-1am 18/6
f. Still waiting for taproots to come out bottom to start feeding through the system. Tomorrow I expect.

Figured out how to do the thumbnail thing, click for bigger pics. Some are blurry











Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
I did all my measurements yesterday but couldn't get them uploaded and posted till today. So Day 8 as of yesterday....

Noticeable growth, mainly in the height area. I dropped the light down a tiny bit. Some of the leaves are starting to yellow at the tips which I assume means they need some nutes. As of now there aren't any roots showing through, and the one root that came out of 1.1 airpruned instantly. Still growing well though so I expect them soon.

After taking measurements, I noticed that the ones on the ends weren't growing as much in the leaf area and were growing a bit taller, I am fairly sure it is due to the footprint of the lamp and nature of the reflector to have a lower intensity there. I went ahead and consolidated the plants towards the middle to see if that will help any. I know roots are fragile so I don't want to harm them by moving them around much, so maybe I need net pots or something? I will ask that question elsewhere.

I moved the stunted one down into the clone area to make more room for prime light position for the rest. If I don't see noticeable change in this one in the next day or so I am going to trash it.

Of the 4 bonus seeds I planted, two are sprouted well, the last seed still hasn't germinated so I think its time to toss that one as well.

Anyways, here are the pics. I tried to focus better this time and I did for most of them, but some are still a bit blurry, was in too much of a hurry.













Other Kids

Safety First

a. AN GMB, 200ppm, although last watering was just superthrive as I was out of the other nutes and on a time crunch.
b. 5.8ph
c. 6x6x3 inch RW cubes, sitting in hydroton.
d. Min Max 75/82 degrees F.
e. 7am-1am 18/6
f. Still waiting for taproots to come out bottom to start feeding through the system. (two of the remaining 7 up there have two roots sticking out the morning after)


Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Again the info from yesterday posted today

Quite a bit of progress this time around. Since these will eventually be mothers and need to be moved I ended up redoing how they were planted. I also reduced the size of the unnecessary 6 inch cubes and will not use them the next times around. Two of the plants had roots starting to come down, so I expect them all to find the nutrient solution this time around. No real noticeable growth except slight broadening of the second sets. I expect I could have had much better growth at this point if I had planted like this sooner.

With the removal of the hydroton, I had to create a makeshift shield so the water wouldnt splash around when it is on. Unfortunately the drain doesn't drain too well so I need to either make it better or make another. Making the table angled created too much of a difference in flood height.







In clone room, pics will continue if it lives.



-Bonus Babies-

a. AN GMB 500ppm on 700 scale, so like 0.71 EC, 1 drop per gallon of SuperThrive, and 1.7ml/L of H2O2
b. 5.7ph
c. Hydroton Pots
d. Had a hot spell, range was 76-84 this time. Might need to find something to help with that.
e. 7am-1am 18/6
f. 7am-10pm every 2 and a half hours for 3 minutes.


Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Post on time!

Not much of a change in growth today. I expect the main focus of growth is to the roots as they are running out of drink and it is being supplied down below. I figure only time will tell, and I expect a growth explosion when they get to nutes, but that is just me being hopeful. To be honest I am concerned about the nutes being too strong for them. I went with the AN guidelines but the ppm of my water is so high to begin with. Next time I do nutes on will be distilled or RO water, whatever I find to be easiest to manage in my setting.

Temp is a bit high, I will see if it persists and if it does I might have to look into an alternative to cooling. The ventilation is awesome, but it can only cool down so much if the outside air is 80+. Might be time for more A/C if it continues.










a. AN GMB 500ppm on 700 scale, so like 0.71 EC, 1 drop per gallon of SuperThrive, and 1.7ml/L of H2O2
b. 5.7ph
c. Hydroton Pots
d. 76-84
e. 7am-1am 18/6
f. 7am-10pm every 2 and a half hours for 3 minutes.


Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Not much to say today, hydro system is doing its job and I am just checking levels and measuring. I still haven't built the top enclosure, it will come in time it just wasn't as crucial. When it is time to put that thing to 12, 12 it might be an issue but it will be way done by then. Also thinking of making the clone room its own access door that way I can have them on 18/6 or 12/12 and be able to open the doors. I might not bother though, just might include that feature in the next cabinet.

I think the roots are still working to get to the drink, the one that I know had roots is showing some growth and hopefully the others will in time. I stuck one of the other bonus seeds up here with these guys to see how it grows.











a. AN GMB 500ppm on 700 scale, so like 0.71 EC, 1 drop per gallon of SuperThrive, and 1.7ml/L of H2O2
b. 5.6ph
c. Hydroton Pots
d. 73-81 F
e. 7am-1am 18/6
f. 7am-10pm every 2 and a half hours for 3 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Dont worry about updating so often, lol, Youll find yourself getting discouraged with the growth.

Its good to just forget about them for a hole day or two, and then look at them to notice how much they have grown.

Seedlings take forever to start exploding in growth, but once they do, its all downhill.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the visit. But the constant records are for something to refer back to at a later time to compare differences in growth based on making different changes in the grow process. I have something to smoke now, so no rush.

Actually thinking of making an app so I have a better way to check the past resources than checking the forum though.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member










a. AN GMB 500ppm on 700 scale, so like 0.71 EC, 1 drop per gallon of SuperThrive, and 1.7ml/L of H2O2
b. 5.7ph
c. Hydroton Pots
d. 73-82 F
e. 7am-1am 18/6
f. 7am-10pm every 2 and a half hours for 4 minutes.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
subscribed. i have some sensi jack beans on the way. 1st shipment went souh and he is shipping me some more. can't wait to se this strain. is it sensi brand? where did you acquire?

i can tell you are an engineer. attention to detail out the ass. my best bud is in aerospace.

good luck, plus rep.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
They aren't, got them from the marijuana-seeds.nl site. So I know they likely aren't primo first gen genetics but I am okay with this. With how differently they are growing even as youngins I will get to choose what kind I like.

And yes, EE major...haha I would hope that is a good sign. Gonna build a program to make this process faster.

Anyways, Day 13 (yesterdays info)









a. AN GMB 500ppm on 700 scale, so like 0.71 EC, 1 drop per gallon of SuperThrive, and 1.7ml/L of H2O2
b. 5.7ph
c. Hydroton Pots
d. 73-82 F
e. 7am-1am 18/6
f. 7am-10pm every 2 and a half hours for 4 minutes.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
And the last day of week two. Wow two weeks already! I love how it is now faily maintenance free. I mean I still make work for myself doing this but I like that I am not constantly messing with them.

Temps got pretty hot today, way more than I would have liked. I hope that doesn't affect them. They don't appear to be stretching so we will see.

Fairly sure most of them have roots down getting drink, if not all. Starting to get some good growth, I love that I can see differences day by day.

One pic each now, I dont see the need for the two anymore.









a. AN GMB 500ppm on 700 scale, so like 0.71 EC, 1 drop per gallon of SuperThrive, and 1.7ml/L of H2O2
b. 5.8ph
c. Hydroton Pots
d. 75-88 F
e. 7am-1am 18/6
f. 7am-10pm every 2 and a half hours for 4 minutes.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
I am still taking measurements everyday, but I think I am going to just post weekly because I don't think that contest is actually being ran.
1.4, the small one that was still developing the same has encountered a water weight issue. I am guessing it's roots finally made it down there and drank too much. The rest of the plants are all fine but this one is too heavy to hold itself. Trying to support it up so it can strengthen but it isn't looking good. Gonna stick it on a block so it doesn't get as much water maybe.


Well-Known Member
SPORK!!! What part of Dago dawg? I shop at the lakeside San Diego Hydro shop.

I dig the constant updates.


Well-Known Member
SPORK!!! What part of Dago dawg? I shop at the lakeside San Diego Hydro shop.

I dig the constant updates.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Some changes, lost a plant due to the incredibly high TDS content of my tapwater, but that has been remedied and things are smooth again.












Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Well this thread is pretty much done. They are all showing preflowers and of the 6 that remained, 4 are female. I am practicing cloning on the males at the moment but will toss them soon.

Once I feel comfortable that I can clone the fems I will start plugging them into a SoG OP I think. Will have a diff thread for that process.

Just some pics of them,

1.1 - 17cm
1.2 - 25cm
1.3 - 21cm
1.5 - 21cm

Fairly thick growth imo compared to lots of other grows I see out there.






Forest View


Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Will do, trying a few diff cloning techniques on the males right now. At first I thought they were all an immediate loss but half of them are starting to regain stem rigidity so I might be all set to clone the fems once I feel they have enough shoots worth cloning for the setup (I think I want at least 9 rooted)

I will drop a link to the other thread. I figure about a weekish I will start cutting.