Split Main Stalk


Well-Known Member
I noticed that theres a split at the base of my main stalk. It has been getting huge lately being that its in a 27gallon tote. Ive heard of growers using a type of resin to patch monsters up. Wondering if anyone has ever done this and where to get.

if i'm correct, that's due to rapid growth.
realy big plants tend to get fissures like that cause their skin can't follow with the growth.
it's like a pregnant women getting those lines on her belly cause it grows to fast.
just close it up so it doesn't get infected with anything and you should be fine :)
if i'm correct, that's due to rapid growth.
realy big plants tend to get fissures like that cause their skin can't follow with the growth.
it's like a pregnant women getting those lines on her belly cause it grows to fast.
just close it up so it doesn't get infected with anything and you should be fine :)

What you stated makes perfect sense. I covered it up with some double adhesive gorilla tape in strips. Hopefully when or if I take it off in a week or two the plant wound or split will be mostly healed up. The plant itself hasn't skipped a beat. But it's growing at a rate thats probably abnormal for the plant structure. When I first started this plant it was extremely spindly. Ever since the transplant from 3 gallon fab pot into 27 gallon tote theres been no stop to an extremely fast growth rate.

Is there anyone that has used resin to fix this problem?.. I only ask because it seems like it would be the better route to take in order to keep bacteria and bugs from invading the wound.
What you stated makes perfect sense. I covered it up with some double adhesive gorilla tape in strips. Hopefully when or if I take it off in a week or two the plant wound or split will be mostly healed up. The plant itself hasn't skipped a beat. But it's growing at a rate thats probably abnormal for the plant structure. When I first started this plant it was extremely spindly. Ever since the transplant from 3 gallon fab pot into 27 gallon tote theres been no stop to an extremely fast growth rate.

Is there anyone that has used resin to fix this problem?.. I only ask because it seems like it would be the better route to take in order to keep bacteria and bugs from invading the wound.

it's something i've come across on youtube and the interwebz in general.
It will heal itself, but a simple way to protect is is covering it in honeywater.
Honey is a natural antisceptic and has other benefits aswell. just heat some water and add honey , like 1part water 1 party honey. let it cool down & smear it on plant wounds.
you can keep it for 2-3 weeks in the dark in a closed jar aswell. Never had any problems like this after topping / damaging plants. works like a charm!
That's nothing. Cover it up with some soil and tape and it'll be fine.

There is a reason it's called weed. Easy to grow hard to kill, you got to try to destroy one.