Spiritual Reality.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I think thats a bit of a dick move by 'god'. Taking someone out of their now dead body, give them a peak at beautiful reality, then sending them back to this shitty world lol. I guess the purpose of that is so they can spread awareness of reality, like they did with this video.


Active Member
Also, there's a great netflix documentary about what happens after death...I just watched it yesterday. You can watch it in instant play and I highly recommend it if anyone is intrigued by what Chief has started discussing here. Name of movie is: Moment of Death and it's a National Geographic documentary.


New Member
Break on through to the other side , why does every ones story sound the same when they come back to life ? I notice its always some light and a great sensation of being lifted and painless ect .. What does nobody not come back from Hell ?

2012 and yet we still are lost and we wont know the answer untill after each of us takes that last breath ...

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Also, there's a great netflix documentary about what happens after death...I just watched it yesterday. You can watch it in instant play and I highly recommend it if anyone is intrigued by what Chief has started discussing here. Name of movie is: Moment of Death and it's a National Geographic documentary.
Dude, i just watched that on netflix two days ago, it was pretty badass.


Well-Known Member
Break on through to the other side , why does every ones story sound the same when they come back to life ? I notice its always some light and a great sensation of being lifted and painless ect .. What does nobody not come back from Hell ?

2012 and yet we still are lost and we wont know the answer untill after each of us takes that last breath ...
That's a great question! I would probably take it a little more seriously if someone said, 'I saw a huge pit of fire and felt this awful searing heat and demons laughing all around me. The people I killed and fucked over were jabbing me with sharp instruments, I screamed then found myself back on Earth'. If there is heaven and hell I suspect most of us are going to the latter, but no one thinks they are so you don't get those stories...

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
god, did not send you/us back lol. chose to return chief walking eagle.
Yes, if we are talking about reincarnation, that is true. But these people were reluctant to go back into their bodies when their bodies died for a moment, they wanted to stay in true reality. That old guy with the beard was not happy with that decision at all, he cried because he was back in this shit hole lol.


Well-Known Member
You can say that again Nietzsche.
What do you think it is, man? Why do people like Chief dismiss ideas with hundreds of years of data and millions of hours of hard work for such things like what he posted in the OP? Out of body experiences, lucid dreams, things with zero scientific evidence to support them.. How can someone be so disconnected from reality to actually ignore it in favor of a fictional one they made up to make themselves feel better?

I wonder when this type of thinking started.. When they mentioned ancient civilizations and how their societies operated, evolution, Cambrian explosion, tectonic plates.. when? The ignoramus believes in ancient aliens, but not well researched theories on how life actually got started or how it's evolved since. Out of body experiences based on personal anecdotes (from what looked to be filmed 20 years ago during the VHS days), but not established scientific fact, ghosts and souls, telepathy, astral projection.. It's only a matter of time before he defends dowsing and Thetan meters...

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Break on through to the other side , why does every ones story sound the same when they come back to life ? I notice its always some light and a great sensation of being lifted and painless ect .. What does nobody not come back from Hell ?

2012 and yet we still are lost and we wont know the answer untill after each of us takes that last breath ...
Perhaps its because theres no returning from "Hell" (I dont believe in that type of hell or how you end up there). Though I THINK I remember hearing such hellish stories of near death experiences. I think it was from this Christian girl who died momentarily and she said she was in hell for a long time and that we should repent because heaven and hell are real! She made a bit of a splash in the Christian community. I didnt pay too much attention to it though.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
What do you think it is, man? Why do people like Chief dismiss ideas with hundreds of years of data and millions of hours of hard work for such things like what he posted in the OP? Out of body experiences, lucid dreams, things with zero scientific evidence to support them.. How can someone be so disconnected from reality to actually ignore it in favor of a fictional one they made up to make themselves feel better?

I wonder when this type of thinking started.. When they mentioned ancient civilizations and how their societies operated, evolution, Cambrian explosion, tectonic plates.. when? The ignoramus believes in ancient aliens, but not well researched theories on how life actually got started or how it's evolved since. Out of body experiences based on personal anecdotes (from what looked to be filmed 20 years ago during the VHS days), but not established scientific fact, ghosts and souls, telepathy, astral projection.. It's only a matter of time before he defends dowsing and Thetan meters...
I think there are two main things that inhibit someone from truth seeking, which is quite literally, never ending.




Sometimes it's all that we can do, is try to help and encourage people to do their own extensive research, not only researching what they like... but it also must require researching some things that they do not like or disagree with. It's their choice on whether or not they become devoted to finding out the truth, or giving themselves truth. One is much easier than the other.

Sometimes when people can't find the truth, or become aggravated because they work so hard to find it yet the results come up inconclusive... they say fuck it, ill alleviate the pain of my ignorance by making something up to fill in the blank.

It's easier to just make something up when trying to understand, let alone describe to someone... just how a star forms and what types of stars there are, and the many different ways they may meet their death... than trying to figure out the truth about it. It's like the more you learn, the more you find out that there is sooooo much more to be learned, it's never ending... people want an end, a conclusion.

Some people are lazy thinkers, kinda like some people are physically lazy.


Well-Known Member
When I was 20 I had some crazy ideas too. I was inclined to believe in free energy, in alternative medicine (colloidal silver), I believed ESP was likely for some individuals, I believed in superfoods and adaptogens, I believed the government wanted us to be sick to make money from us... I think being a teenager/tween is a time when you are exploring the world on your own rather than letting the world tell you how things are, and I think it's inevitable to hit upon both good ideas and bad.

I really can't say what started me on a skeptical path. I never had anyone expose me to a skeptical viewpoint back then, so I don't know how I would have reacted. I doubt I would have been as engaged in hubris as the chief, but I know I did not like the establishment, and I did not separate any adult authority from the 'establishment'. By that time I was at least clear about the fact that what the establishment wanted me to be and what I wanted to be was entirely different.

I guess my point is that fear and laziness are not always the cause of irrational beliefs. Many times it comes from unbridled exploration coupled with not being equipped to engage the world. I went through high school without ever being introduced to critical thinking, without ever being made aware of the mistakes a human brain is likely to make. My school prepared me for the world they wanted me to be a part of, business, academics, services, government, and did next to nothing to prepare me for the world I would actually find.