spirder mite web remova;l tips?

hey all, i found some webbing at the top of a few colas, there from mites, not mold or anything else. i removed the webbing with a fork and knife, most of it came right off, any tips on removing the webbing would be appriciated


Active Member
Kill the mites and you won't have to. Food safe insecticide (designed to fight the mites) should to the trick and keep you from having to use dinnerware.


Well-Known Member
Sweep over them real fast, with a propane torch. Seriously. :)

It might be a good idea to wait til they're finished, if you don't trust yourself. :wink:


Well-Known Member
P.S. Watch the trichs. That was just a brainstorm I had,lol and never considered the trichs likely being amongst the webs. Better do a test patch first, or stick with the fork.lol


Well-Known Member
Use the sticky side of tape to dab the tops of your colas. That stickiness should get the webs, mites and eggs if done well enough. Leaves that have lots of eggs underneith should be removed and thrown into the freezer. Webs are a bad sign and you're at damage control right now.


Well-Known Member
dealing with the same situation, about 1 week of flower to go
be cautious with pesticides, seen plenty of warnings of bad taste being left with even the organic pesticides
i'm just getting ready to try one tip, a gentle vacuuming


Well-Known Member
I had mites before and tips I got were if you are in veg you can use neem great stuff wash the leaves as you need to remove the mites not just the web if its an in door grow clean the room if they are budding I don't suggest washing the leaves but as long as your gentle its effective also make sure whatever insecticide you use spray the top of the soil also
azamax works well, the fork takes off web compeatly and leaves tricks, azamax kills the mites and egges, doing a soil drench kill soil bugs too