Spinosad in Canada?

Natural Guard Spinosad Soap. Spinosad for the adults and insecticidal soap for eggs and larvae/juveniles. You can buy online in Canada..
Found another place that let me place an order. I'll let you guys know who, when/if it arrives here.
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Please for the love of everything good in the world, DO NOT USE SPINOSAD OUTDOORS!!

Theres a reason you cant buy it in Canada. Be responsible please and thanks.

spinosad kills bees and other incredible insects.


Michigan State University white graphicMenu
MSU Extension
How to control invasive pests while protecting pollinators and other beneficial insects
David Smitley, MSU Entomology; Diane Brown, Rebecca Finneran and Erwin Elsner, MSU Extension; Joy Landis, MSU IPM; Paula Shrewsbury, Univ. of MD Entomology; Daniel Herms, The Davey Tree Expert Company, Kent, OH; and Cristi L. Palmer, IR-4 Project-Rutgers - May 1, 2019

Spinosad is derived from a soil bacterium and affects the nervous system of insects and mites. It has contact activity, but is even more active when ingested. Several products containing spinosad are labeled for ornamental (e.g., Conserve) and agricultural uses to control a broad spectrum of pests including caterpillars, sawfly larvae, leaf beetle adults and larvae, thrips, leafminer and gall-making flies and emerald ash borer beetles. Spinosad is highly toxic to bees. However, toxicity is greatly reduced once the product has dried on the foliage, within three hours to one day depending on the product. Therefore, avoid use if bees are active, and if applications are needed, apply in the evening when bees are not active and product has time to dry. This product suppresses a broad number of caterpillar species and should not be sprayed or allowed to drift in known habitats for threatened or endangered species of caterpillars and butterflies. Some spinosad products are OMRI-listed and on the EPA Reduced Risk list.
i've ordered before from ebay and recieved numerous times.
key is ship by post and not courier.
seller was from florida can't remember the seller name.
I've ordered from ebay several times myself in the past and had no issues. But now when you try to order from ebay, ebay won't let you complete the order. It'll let you add it to your cart, add all your info and etc and then shut you down.
I encountered this when trying to get a decent showerhead in California. Here in Cali they have special laws for showerheads. Not a big deal for most but for my wife's hair it was a problem. Never lived somewhere with this 1.8gpm limitation. Amazon wouldn't even let me try to order and every eBay seller accepted and later cancelled the order for this fucking showerhead I wanted. Eventually I had it mailed to a contact in another state then reshipped from there here.

Point is, if you can't make it happen, you may have to find someone south of the border to try and do the same. Just like nobody is knocking down doors for showerheads putting out >1.8gpm, I doubt anyone is busting down doors for Spinosad. At worst, it may need repackaged for Customs. That would be as simple as pouring into another container, I'd imagine. Something like a bottle of coffee creamer. Seems like a lot of work for Spinosad but, I don't think it's impossible.
Here same stuff works wonders.
Just got some from them a cpl wks ago.
Alright, just placed an order with these guys now. My other order never made it through customs. Hopefully better luck here now. Fingers crossed.