Spinning the plant causing deformed growth?

i coulda lied and said i did the same thing.
this plant has just had a lot of silica and i forgot to turn it all day yesterday...
and i just repotted itView attachment 3814953


You had it in the car with you because you just can't stand letting it out of your sight, were caressing it as you drove to market, looked up, noticed you were about to have an accident and slammed on the brakes.

Come clean. We all know that's what you did.

Please don't insinuate that I am a liar.

Your plant looks under watered?? Looks floppy... My leaves are... Curled.

I'll post a pic at my leisure and not yours.

He didn't isinuate you were a liar. He's essentially calling you a full of shit lazy ass. When you post an issue on Sunday and here were are 5 days later and you still can't be bothered to post a picture of the issue, you're a worthless, drama-queening attention whore.

You had it in the car with you because you just can't stand letting it out of your sight, were caressing it as you drove to market, looked up, noticed you were about to have an accident and slammed on the brakes.

Come clean. We all know that's what you did.

He didn't isinuate you were a liar. He's essentially calling you a full of shit lazy ass. When you post an issue on Sunday and here were are 5 days later and you still can't be bothered to post a picture of the issue, you're a worthless, drama-queening attention whore.
you forgot the part where i had some of the leaves down my pants
it occurs to me when we say "the world" what we really mean is "our place in the world"....the world couldn't care less what we do on it, in geologic terms we've been here about 5 minutes, just long enough to register as an annoying skin problem. when we die off and dolphins or apes or tree sloths or w/e evolve, we'll be displays in their museums and the world will keep turning
I plan on doing this on my next outdoor grow.
Solar powered, very low RPM.
They're already in pots on cart so I can move them to the sunniest part of my yard.
Stop being negative and start creating.
the sun already moves outside, why do you need to rotate a plant outside? most 'sun mover" type things are for inside so you don't have to move all your plants 3 times a day
it occurs to me when we say "the world" what we really mean is "our place in the world"....the world couldn't care less what we do on it, in geologic terms we've been here about 5 minutes, just long enough to register as an annoying skin problem. when we die off and dolphins or apes or tree sloths or w/e evolve, we'll be displays in their museums and the world will keep turning
if by "annoying skin problem" you mean terminal malignant skin cancer...
Shhhh . . .

He's busy training leaves to lean a little to the left. But Trump keeps coming in and twisting them to the right.

No matter how it works out the world loses. :(

IMO we only lose for sure if Clinton is elected. With Trump we stand a chance. Congress will keep him on a short lease. I say give change a chance. #TRUMPTRAIN2016
IMO we only lose for sure if Clinton is elected. With Trump we stand a chance. Congress will keep him on a short lease. I say give change a chance. #TRUMPTRAIN2016
stand a chance for what?
he's talked shit to Iran, China, N.korea, mexico, etc
it's absolutely mind-boggling that people can listen to him speak and think
"wow, he's got my vote"
He speaks like an spoiled child, his grasp on the actual politics and economy is rudimentary at best. Incompetent at the worst.
The world is laughing at us
I mean Clinton isn't a whole lot better, but she is SAFER.
stand a chance for what?
he's talked shit to Iran, China, N.korea, mexico, etc
it's absolutely mind-boggling that people can listen to him speak and think
"wow, he's got my vote"
He speaks like an spoiled child, his grasp on the actual politics and economy is rudimentary at best. Incompetent at the worst.
The world is laughing at us
I mean Clinton isn't a whole lot better, but she is SAFER.
#TRUMPTRAIN2016 Your response reminds me of those that spoke before Reagan won by a landslide over Carter in 1980. Immediately following Reagan's win. Our hostages in Iran where back on American soil. Not long after that the Berlin Wall came down. Following was a stronger US and World economy. Think for yourself and forget what main stream media feeds you,,,,,
Capitalism works for America. Socialism works for no one,,,,
And the world is only laughing at us because so many are deaf and blindly following Killary.
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#TRUMPTRAIN2016 Your response reminds me of those that spoke before Reagan won by a landslide over Carter in 1980. Immediately following Reagan's win. Our hostages in Iran where back on American soil. Not long after that the Berlin Wall came down. Following was a stronger US and World economy. Think for yourself and forget what main stream media feeds you,,,,,
Capitalism works for America. Socialism works for no one,,,,
And the world is only laughing at us because so many are deaf and blindly following Killary.
I do freely admit that once trump went after Stephen Hawking...
that was the last straw.
i'm massively into astral theory, physics and the like, and when he went there?
picking on women, people with disabilities, war POWs, racial minorities, and such is less than endearing..
Trump appeals to the redneck, wife beating, racist, prejudiced, white, sexist, slap-her-on-the-ass, drinking Jack Daniels, looking out for UFO's, still think 9-11 was an inside job engineered by Obama demographic.

Sadly, that makes up almost half the nation...which is why the rest of the world think we're idiots...because we are.