Spinasad, AzaMax and now 91% rubbing Alcohol


I have never had this hard of a f--king time getting rid of spidermites. I couldn't spray for about 2 weeks and got infested, no webs but lots of crawlers, whiteflies and now catapillars. F--K!
I have an outdoor, 20 x 30 with 43 plants, sativas, indicas, kush, old school afgan. I kept it pretty much bug free except for a few whiteflies that I would knock down with a fine mist of 91% rubbing alcohol. It evaporates so fast it doesnt really even wet the leafs or the buds! I have Indicas, and sativas so some are 4weeks into flower and others have barely started, some have buds on half the plant and none on the other half.
I did a soil drench 1 week ago with AzaMax. 2 days latter I sprayed Spinasad. The day after spraying the spinisad, I have been useing straight 91% rubbing alcohol in a fogger to knock those unwanted f---ers off the plants, leaf and buds as well.
Has anyone ever used any of the above ? Can I use to much alcohol since I only use it in a fogger and it evaporates so fast. It doesnt seem to hurt them but, I would like to know if it can???
I still have live crawlers in the garden, not as bad but they are still there!
I have always used organicide with excellant results up till 4 weeks into flower with no smell or taste on the buds. Should I use it now ? After already useing the AzaMax soil drench and then sprayed spinisad. It has been 5 days.
I stopped useing it for 2 weeks, and now I am paying for it. Was looking for 50 units of prime, now I dont know ?
Any advice will be greatfully appreciated.


That's a lot of chemicals in and around your plant. What's wrong with a ladybug
This is an outdoor, ORGANIC GARDEN and I have ONLY used ORGANIC OMRI labeled products since day ONE !
AzaMax and Spinisad are both OMRI labeled. The Alcohol evaporates before it can settle in on the plant so I am trying everything possible with Organics. Chemicals, that sounds so harsh so I just needed to clarify.
Oh, the Organicide is also OMRI labeled and is, get this --- Edible fish oil and sesame seed oil. Fish oil is also good for your plants. Foliar feed as you kill bugs.
I just had to take 2 weeks off from my regular maint. and the bugs came in and almost took over!
I was looking for a quik solution to a nasty problem and hoped to find someone that has got that solution.
Next year, foggers in the garden. Hooked up to a compressor with a 50 gal. res. Auto foliar feed and debug automaticaly :>
Thanks for your concern about useing Chems. You gave me a great Idea.
Will post if it works.