Spiders on my bud


RIU Bulldog
I have a small problem of sorts. I have a few little spiders on my outdoor plants. They're translucent and tiny, or else I'd try and take pictures of them (my camera isn't that expensive). While my first thought is to kill them
(btw I'm sure they're not spider mites; one they're too big, two theres only like 4 of them),
I think they might be a good predatory bug. I've got some spider mites and some small little flying ant-like lookin' thing.
(they look like some kind of small flying ant at least, idk what they are. Some have red looking abdomens).
Idk if they're predatory or a nuisance. Also I have a few spider mites and a few different types of flies. I haven;t seen as many now that I think about it...
But I'm thinking of keeping the spiders until the last week or so just to help me with the other pests.

I've been spraying them for the past few days with a diluted concoction I made. Basically I reduced two cups of water and fresh, crushed garlic and mint leaves, simmering it to about a little more than 1/2 cup of water. I let it cool, then added a few drops of soap, olive oil, and hot sauce (Dawn antibacterial[it's all I had on hand] and Tabasco and Red Hot).
Each ingredient supposedly has it's own insecticidal properties so I just combined them. I'll let you know if it works.
I'll tell you this; I wish I would've strained it in the first place, cause after a few sprays, it clogged and broke my sprayer. Though it was a cheap .99 cent spray bottle that totally wasn'y made for horticulture, it might not have broke.
So i poured it back out and strained it through some coffee strainers. The garlic I guess...

Feedback would be helpful


Well-Known Member
nothing better than a spider or mantis to protect your garden. let 'em chill for a while especially if they are out side. try not to damage their webs. i keep 2 green spiders in my grow box, they dont fuck with me at all or leave the box. they r really helpful


Active Member
i grew outside this year and was very pleased to see spiders on my girls, they eat all sorts of bugs, they are good things, by the way i had to harvest alittle early due to all t he rain here this year, was starting to get bud rot, did good about 3 lbs, spider mites killed me on my indoor grow so bagged it and grew outside, i hope next year the weather wont be sooo wet


I have always been told that if you see a spider, it is a good thing! Spiders eat other insects (obviously) so that helps if you do have any pests that are actually feeding on your plants. The spider isn't going to hurt your plant, so no reason to kill them!


RIU Bulldog
I have always been told that if you see a spider, it is a good thing! Spiders eat other insects (obviously) so that helps if you do have any pests that are actually feeding on your plants. The spider isn't going to hurt your plant, so no reason to kill them!
awesome. I didnt wanna kill them. I like spiders, especially ones that kill my plant pests
Id do anything for my ladies:weed: