I'm back with the info:
Azatrol Organic Insect Control
Azatrol is a broad-spectrum botanical insecticide with virtually no insect resistance. This foliar spray works on ALL plant feeding insects and mites, both indoor and outdoor! Azatrol (a neem oil derivative) is chosen by the industry professionals.
The multiple modes of action within Azatrol liquid concentrate make it virtually impossible for insect resistance to develop. Larvae treated with Azatrol will experience decreases in weight gain, delayed or disrupted molting and an inability to shed old body capsules and, generally, death. In the event of larva escaping growth regulation, pupa and adult growth is affected, leaving them unfit, malformed or dead.
Azatrol prevents and rids insects using 3 defined sciences:
Anti-feedant: Azatrol affects the movement of food through the insect’s digestive system. Food stays in the gut so feeding is suppressed. Insects will feed less or not at all on treated foliage, ultimately starving to death.
IGR: Azatrol disrupts the maturation cycle of the insect by affecting hormones that regulate growth. Insects will fail to mature and reproduce.
Repellent/Ovipositioning deterrent: Simply put, many insects will not lay eggs on treated plant tissue, therefore acting as a repellent.
Azatrol is OMRI listed and certified organic!
Shake bottle before use. Apply prior to infestation or as soon as pests are observed. When possible, spray during the morning or evening hours, at 7 to 14 day intervals. Active Ingredient: 1.2% Azadirachtin----------I've been using this shit for almost a year a little goes a long way---I use it as a prevent spray and havn't seen one bug since I started using it----