Spider mites!


Hey I'm a noobie here my first grow. I'm on my 7th week flowering an i got spider mites so treated them with some stuff they gave me at the shop.... Found out full of chemicals an all the Shit I didn't want my plants to have. So found out people where using habanero peppers in a solution that worked for some people so tried that too yesterday an my plants don't look happy at all iv pulled most of the affected leafs off which I thought where suitable but there pretty bear. An im growing ammy they'll be flowering for 12 week in total any help on how to finish this grow so it's smokable will be very much appreciated :)


harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Hey I'm a noobie here my first grow. I'm on my 7th week flowering an i got spider mites so treated them with some stuff they gave me at the shop.... Found out full of chemicals an all the Shit I didn't want my plants to have. So found out people where using habanero peppers in a solution that worked for some people so tried that too yesterday an my plants don't look happy at all iv pulled most of the affected leafs off which I thought where suitable but there pretty bear. An im growing ammy they'll be flowering for 12 week in total any help on how to finish this grow so it's smokable will be very much appreciated :)

Try a 50% dish soap and 50% water - spray on both sides of leaves - treat for 1 week use Dawn dishsoap they use that to remove oil from birds when US had the big oil spill - bio-de-gradable so not to worry it will be smokable

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
i am sorry to say, you wont kill them with soaps and oils,,, you may push them back,, but they will survive, and they will carry on ,, you will also be putting so much moisture into your buds, your risk of rot goes way up,
can you make it to harvest,, sure its possible, but its going to be a wild ride,
most people chop them down so far into flower and do a real cleaning job, and set off some bug bombs in the area before growing again,,
i wont talk about the nuclear options since you dont want to go that path
good luck ,, mites really suck, i have had them 2 times in the past

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Neem's a miticide. It has a good chance of working. Just not all the time and you may have to repeat.
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Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
Neem's a miticide. It has a good change of working. Just not all the time and you may have to repeat.
people seem to use neem for everything, neem for bugs, neem for powdery mildew, neem for bad odor, neem for rot, neem for knats, neem for mites, neem to keep the kids quiet,,
neem to make the mother in law move out,, lol
i used neem and azamax and a couple of others,, trying to be nice to my plants,, and the MITES WON everytime,, they kept coming back, thier ugly eggs, thier webs, the more i sprayed, the wetter it got in the grow box, the more the moisture and humitidy went up,
constant spraying late in flower causes so many other problems,
will the effort help, sure it might,
i am just saying that neem is on the very week side of things, and mites are powerful at surviving,,
you may go thru all the effort to save them and still lose the battle,


i am sorry to say, you wont kill them with soaps and oils,,, you may push them back,, but they will survive, and they will carry on ,, you will also be putting so much moisture into your buds, your risk of rot goes way up,
can you make it to harvest,, sure its possible, but its going to be a wild ride,
most people chop them down so far into flower and do a real cleaning job, and set off some bug bombs in the area before growing again,,
i wont talk about the nuclear options since you dont want to go that path
good luck ,, mites really suck, i have had them 2 times in the past
i am sorry to say, you wont kill them with soaps and oils,,, you may push them back,, but they will survive, and they will carry on ,, you will also be putting so much moisture into your buds, your risk of rot goes way up,
can you make it to harvest,, sure its possible, but its going to be a wild ride,
most people chop them down so far into flower and do a real cleaning job, and set off some bug bombs in the area before growing again,,
i wont talk about the nuclear options since you dont want to go that path
good luck ,, mites really suck, i have had them 2 times in the past
Bug bombs? where can I get bugs from that will eat them?


bug bombs are pyrethrin foggers http://www.epestsupply.com/cgi-bin/shopper.cgi?preadd=action&key=2793394&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Product Listing Ads&gclid=CJvZuNuT6c0CFcNlfgodbuAFOA

pyrethrin kills them all, it screws with thier nervous system,, but you have to do it when your plants are gone,,, only use it on the room and equipment ,, like your grow pots and cords, ect, not your ballasts or bulbs or cobs
Ok sweet shall I not keep using the scotch bonnets then as people say I can do it daily but I haven't been due to rot

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Pyrethrins are toxic to humans, though mildly if not in concentration. They are extremely lethal for cats. I use Nature's Care 3-in-1 in emergency. It's like, 0.01% pyrethrins, and 0.2% sulfur. I use it in emergencies. Mostly, I use either NC Insecticidal Soap (made of potassium salts of fatty acids) or Neem.

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
Pyrethrins are toxic to humans, though mildly if not in concentration. They are extremely lethal for cats. I use Nature's Care 3-in-1 in emergency. It's like, 0.01% pyrethrins, and 0.2% sulfur. I use it in emergencies. Mostly, I use either NC Insecticidal Soap (made of potassium salts of fatty acids) or Neem.
and that is why i said to do it in between crops ,, when your plants are gone,, and bug bomb when you are out of the room,,,
then you are safe,, stop scaring people, and use the right stuff to get the job done

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
and that is why i said to do it in between crops ,, when your plants are gone,, and bug bomb when you are out of the room,,,
then you are safe,, stop scaring people, and use the right stuff to get the job done
I'm not scaring people. You don't think these people deserve a warning about what they are using? It would be immoral and irresponsible not to tell them.

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
I'm not scaring people. You don't think these people deserve a warning about what they are using? It would be immoral and irresponsible not to tell them.
and I am growing a third eyeball and my kids have 3 arms

use according to directions ,, and you are safe,, if you dont follow directions then little green aliens will land and eat your weed


Well-Known Member
i use avid or floramite,, have not seen mites since,, they are 100 percent gone,, have not seen them for 2 years now since using the good stuff,,
The good stuff is usually labeled for ornamental use only but to each his own, nothing lasts forever and will breakdown even if systemic but in op's case using a toxic systemic isnt possible, even pyretherin I stop using a few weeks out.

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
The good stuff is usually labeled for ornamental use only but to each his own, nothing lasts forever and will breakdown even if systemic but in op's case using a toxic systemic isnt possible, even pyretherin I stop using a few weeks out.
agreed,,, well said

something like mighty wash may be his only chance this late in flower,, i have never used it, but many people speak of it

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
i am pretty sure that floramite has a less than 4 week half life?,, could be gone by his 12 weeks,,, but its too late to risk the stronger mitacids now,, so yes mightywash should be considered,,, if he is going to try and make the end and harvest,,
i stillt hink its but to cut and run now,, its a lost cause

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
and I am growing a third eyeball and my kids have 3 arms

use according to directions ,, and you are safe,, if you dont follow directions then little green aliens will land and eat your weed
Listen. Pyrethrins, whether you like it or not, are toxic. I use them when I absolutely have to as well. But they are toxic, especially to cats because their livers and kidneys can't break the stuff down. I don't want someone killing their cats, or getting themselves or their family or customers/patients sick. I am not saying pyrethrins summon aliens. But pyrethrins are, first and foremost, a poison. It's responsible to make people aware of it.