
Well-Known Member
If any of your friends or yourself.... has 1 mite on your clothes anywhere and you go into your grow area you have mites again

If you open a window to get fresh air or open your front door...mites float on air...you have mites again

If your dog or cat goes into your room you can get mites again

Buying a houseplant from a store... mites will jump off the houseplant and onto the weed plant

There are multiple ways....not just 1..... for your plants to get mites
Yep, thays why i reccomended preventitive sprays. They wont touch a plant that taste like neem+soap unless the plant is already gone or has an infestation. They are there though! The trick is to bring down the indoor population and keep them outdoor. If all your un-infested plants taste like neem, they will not want to be inside your grow but they will taste the plant first, if you dont bleach the entire grow and house, they will be right back when preventitive sprays are not used or an infested plant comes back in, you want to kill and bring down the egg population in your environment to keep them from getting immune to your methods. Outdoor mites are easy to kill off with neem ect but once indoor they try to survive all that organic shit.

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
I put a lot of blueberries in my outdoor worm bin. It attracted predatory mites by the thousands. I think that they like sweet fruit. I paid $75 online for 1500 of them, it has been a couple of years so my numbers might be off. They really didnt fix the problem!
Forbid is for adults and avid is for eggs. I used them 18 months ago. I dont even own a plant that has been sprayed anymore... Grain of salt... I dont want to tell you to spray your stuff with poision... It is one application. I can spray the outside of my room and not my plants now...

Avid and Forbid are for outdoor use. I still used it indoor. I would save it for last resort type... It will kill them for sure.
Good information to now have - Thanks I will look into if I get them again because No Spider Mite is very destructive to new growth... just wipes it out.


Well-Known Member
I wore a painters mask with activated charcoal and goggles when I sprayed. This stuff is last resort but it will fix the problem... It would be better if you could cut and start over, but it is not always an option. I found single applications on ebay.
I have not used any kind of spray since my last application 18 months ago. I have regular spiders now! They are ugly but I dont have other pest. I am not talking about web spinning spiders, more of the free range type. They eat eachother, they are vicious lol.

My room is outside of my house too!
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