Spider mites


Active Member
Hey guys i have 6 auto flower plants two are a month old and the other four are just over two weeks. One of the two oldest ones i notised a little string of what i think is a part of a spider web i checked the plant i cant see anything crawling on them. If they are spidee mites and there was no more webs in total i found two strings of web today whats the best home made remody to fight them off and how should i use it i live in a country where it is not easy to find such things to help with spider mites so please help me understand what is the best thing i could make at home to help. Thanks
Wasn’t just a random spiders web?
Have a look at the top of the leaf and look for little white/discolouration spots, turn the leaf over and look at the underside, if you can just see little speckles that can look like pepper, then you have spider mites, if you can’t see any of these then you should be good....

Every grower will get spider mites sooner or later, lots of different products you can use but there Are few that do the job.
Their tough little critters and will develop an immunity to whatever pesticide etc you use, so do it right the 1st time is my advice,

Ive tried a lot of different products and found one called kill-a-mite to work best for me.
There are a few other products which have worked for others that I haven’t tried like D.E?

you’d want to really only spray plants that are in veg and it’s best doing this when you have no plants in flower as Theyl eventually go from your flowering plants to the ones in veg that you have treated.

If you are in flower you pretty much have to led it ride out. There are a few safer products you can use to temporarily keep them at bay to get you through to harvest.

But one things for sure, the longer you leave it the harder it will be to eradicate them.
Good luck!
Diatomaceous earth spray is the only thing I've had luck with...White flies,aphids...since it is a suspension of "larger,heavy" particles mixed in water, you must costantly agitate spray mixture to keep heavy particles from settling out in bottom of container(plugs suction tube that touches bottom) Most hand held small sprayer plug off...I use a 1gal Chapin hand pump pressurized sprayer(about 12$). Works great, but you have to keep shaking container to suspend and homogenized mixture....it doesn't look great on your nice leaves but they grow out and eventually get trimmed off. The force of just water is a good first step...this can knock many bugs off.
Diatomaceous earth spray is the only thing I've had luck with...White flies,aphids...since it is a suspension of "larger,heavy" particles mixed in water, you must costantly agitate spray mixture to keep heavy particles from settling out in bottom of container(plugs suction tube that touches bottom) Most hand held small sprayer plug off...I use a 1gal Chapin hand pump pressurized sprayer(about 12$). Works great, but you have to keep shaking container to suspend and homogenized mixture....it doesn't look great on your nice leaves but they grow out and eventually get trimmed off. The force of just water is a good first step...this can knock many bugs off.

Make sure you use food grade DE :leaf: :hump:
Absolutely...and never outdoor soil or plants....who knows what bugs,eggs,spore etc. reside there.....that's how I got my white fly,aphid,PM problem from...a real taboo if precious plants are in danger of cotamination.
If i find that i have gnats coming from the soil, (which is often a byproduct of overwatering) then i usually add a thin layer of DE on top of my soil to block any new pests from emerging as well as spraying the leaves of the plants. I use this method on my citrus trees too and have great results.
If i find that i have gnats coming from the soil, (which is often a byproduct of overwatering) then i usually add a thin layer of DE on top of my soil to block any new pests from emerging as well as spraying the leaves of the plants. I use this method on my citrus trees too and have great results.
DE really rips up them endo skeletons ...It's a wonderful product...so diverse and natural, I also put a perimeter on top around trunk and mix with media if problem arises. Also very helpful...yellow stickies....they pick up shit loads of gnats and others....problem is I'm always walking into them...in my hair, beard,face etc. Being a stoned gardener, these type of things happen......what plant was I feeding? Oops I cut a branch off going after going after a leaf.........Oops, left my water flowing through filter,jug overfills,mini flood......I can't take it too seriously, it would take the fun out of it....sorry for rambling...I'm new and chatty.
Hey guys i have 6 auto flower plants two are a month old and the other four are just over two weeks. One of the two oldest ones i notised a little string of what i think is a part of a spider web i checked the plant i cant see anything crawling on them. If they are spidee mites and there was no more webs in total i found two strings of web today whats the best home made remody to fight them off and how should i use it i live in a country where it is not easy to find such things to help with spider mites so please help me understand what is the best thing i could make at home to help. Thanks
Safers soap will help keep numbers down.
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I fought spider mites the last two grows. Dessimated one 4x4 tent, was able to save the other with predator mites. They stayed away till now, 4 weeks into flower. Predators likely ran out of food and died off, so I have more showing up tomorrow.
I fought spider mites the last two grows. Dessimated one 4x4 tent, was able to save the other with predator mites. They stayed away till now, 4 weeks into flower. Predators likely ran out of food and died off, so I have more showing up tomorrow.
Can anything assault our senses like a beautifully flowering plant ruined by bugs and or mold...it's heart wrenching...we must learn and crack on. I would get my diatomaceous earth flying around. FOILAR spraying with DE cured my bugs 100%. I have a Chapin one gal sprayer(12$) that works well, the smaller spray bottles plug off. It's important to keep shaking/agitating liquid mixture while spraying to keep mixture homogeneous and to keep heavy particles suspended.. ......plants look filthy when done, but leaves grow out, get trimmedwhen ready , plants returned to normal looking.
Wasn’t just a random spiders web?
Have a look at the top of the leaf and look for little white/discolouration spots, turn the leaf over and look at the underside, if you can just see little speckles that can look like pepper, then you have spider mites, if you can’t see any of these then you should be good....

Every grower will get spider mites sooner or later, lots of different products you can use but there Are few that do the job.
Their tough little critters and will develop an immunity to whatever pesticide etc you use, so do it right the 1st time is my advice,

Ive tried a lot of different products and found one called kill-a-mite to work best for me.
There are a few other products which have worked for others that I haven’t tried like D.E?

you’d want to really only spray plants that are in veg and it’s best doing this when you have no plants in flower as Theyl eventually go from your flowering plants to the ones in veg that you have treated.

If you are in flower you pretty much have to led it ride out. There are a few safer products you can use to temporarily keep them at bay to get you through to harvest.

But one things for sure, the longer you leave it the harder it will be to eradicate them.
Good luck!
Great feed back thanks so much i cant see anything like what you said so i hope i am good and i can see little white sort of dust things but i think its just perlite that crumbled and ended up on the leafs cause i can blow it off or just wype it off
Great feed back thanks so much i cant see anything like what you said so i hope i am good and i can see little white sort of dust things but i think its just perlite that crumbled and ended up on the leafs cause i can blow it off or just wype it off
No dramas mate,
You may just be a bit paranoid?
Generally you won’t really see webbing unless the infestation is getting bad.
But it’s not a bad thing to educate yourself now, so you’ll know what to do if you come across the little critters imo.

Maybe throw up a few pics of top part of leaves that you think may be infected and underside of leaves....
Pics will need to be taken fairly close to the leaves.
One of us will be able to tell you straight away if you have an infestation or not.