Spider mites problem day 28 in flower ): please read

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Did you watch the videos i posted? If not, you should. If so, did you see the point being made? Ipm starts with healthy plants. Its like the 3 little pigs. Straw house=plants not healthy, showing deficiencies but growing. Stick house=healthy looking plants, good growth, but not as structurally integral as they could be. Not visibly anyway. Brick house=nutrient dense, healthy plants. Plenty of calcium, high brix. Even in this scenario you may still get mites. But they will struggle to thrive. Your foliar ipm will be far more effective. Your danger zone will be last couple weeks of flower. Once the plant has shot its load and is finishing, those couple mites that made their way through the gauntlet can quickly go apeshit. But you still have hope! There are great products like green cleaner, flying skull nukem and big time exterminator that are safe to use even towards end of flower (they claim day of harvest but i would avoid that for quality sake) even just cold water foliar, maybe some aloe and or silica will make their lives miserable. Further contributing to their struggle to survive. Thats my battle plan anyway. Give them a food source that tastes like shit and is difficult to eat in veg. In flower, make their lives hell with frequent foliar and a continued nutrient rich diet. First 6 weeks of flower consist of regular foliar sprays of nectar for the gods bloom khaos (calcium facilitator only first 2 weeks foliar) kelp, fulvic/humic, aloe, silica, vermicompost tea, yucca, i think thats it? The girls love it, mites hate it. Intergrated pest managment. Key word is managment. You have pests, it is unlikely you will get rid of them, but you can manage them. Just focus on plant nutrition first. This is most important and you will benefit. Fwiw, im not oganic. I use alot of organic inputs because i use what i feel is the best for what im trying to do. I have no problem with synthetic nutes. If someone can easily grow healthy plants with a simple regimine of inputs, im all for it!

I have not, i will look at them asap, thank you for your time and patience

This is fucking gold too me-
First 6 weeks of flower consist of regular foliar sprays of nectar for the gods bloom khaos (calcium facilitator only first 2 weeks foliar) kelp, fulvic/humic, aloe, silica, vermicompost tea, yucca, The girls love it, mites hate it. Intergrated pest managment. Key word is managment

this what ive been looking for....
As well as some other of you gents comments, thank you all!

Im going to aquiring some things in your recipe above, just to verify i could apply this recipe-
- kelp, fulvic/humic, aloe, silica, vermicompost tea, yucca as a foliar? Up to 6th week of flower?

Im unfamillar with the vermicompost, and yucca ill look into it, thank you again.
I think i could add coco wet, unless any of those ingredients you listed for use up to 6th week is an imulsifier?
Ill be searching more on this info..
Thnx again
I have not, i will look at them asap, thank you for your time and patience

This is fucking gold too me-
First 6 weeks of flower consist of regular foliar sprays of nectar for the gods bloom khaos (calcium facilitator only first 2 weeks foliar) kelp, fulvic/humic, aloe, silica, vermicompost tea, yucca, The girls love it, mites hate it. Intergrated pest managment. Key word is managment

this what ive been looking for....
As well as some other of you gents comments, thank you all!

Im going to aquiring some things in your recipe above, just to verify i could apply this recipe-
- kelp, fulvic/humic, aloe, silica, vermicompost tea, yucca as a foliar? Up to 6th week of flower?

Im unfamillar with the vermicompost, and yucca ill look into it, thank you again.
I think i could add coco wet, unless any of those ingredients you listed for use up to 6th week is an imulsifier?
Ill be searching more on this info..
Thnx again
All of those together is a little redundant, plus the vermi tea i make has the kelp and fulvic/humic in it. For fulvic/humic i use zues juice. Its a blend of 2 bio ag products, ful power and i forget the other. The aloe i spray alone or with just silica. For yucca ive found npk raw brand to be very economical, its super concentrated. Yucca is a natural wetting agent. Keep in mind these are not really for pest treatment. The silica will help prevent bud rot and powdery mildew. The bloom khaos is only helpful if you have PLENTY of calcium available to the plant. If not, it will drive the plant calcium deficient in just a single application. I get 200x aloe flakes from build a soil. A bit spendy but goes a long way. Like the yucca, its very concentrated. 1/8th tsp/gal. To salvage this grow, green cleaner, nuke em or big time exterminator are your best best. The bte is the most economical of the 3, the green cleaner might be your best bet for initial knock down though. 2oz green cleaner is about $20+/-, the bte is $50/qt on build a soil. They also have an essential oil blend that seems pretty good. Blend that with einstein oil and silica as per their instructions and that should solve any issues you have in veg if you can get your brix levels above 11%
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All of those together is a little redundant, plus the vermi tea i make has the kelp and fulvic/humic in it. For fulvic/humic i use zues juice. Its a blend of 2 bio ag products, ful power and i forget the other. The aloe i spray alone or with just silica. For yucca ive found npk raw brand to be very economical, its super concentrated. Yucca is a natural wetting agent. Keep in mind these are not really for pest treatment. The silica will help prevent bud rot and powdery mildew. The bloom khaos is only helpful if you have PLENTY of calcium available to the plant. If not, it will drive the plant calcium deficient in just a single application. I get 200x aloe flakes from build a soil. A bit spendy but goes a long way. Like the yucca, its very concentrated. 1/8th tsp/gal. To salvage this grow, green cleaner, nuke em or big time exterminator are your best best. The bte is the most economical of the 3, the green cleaner might be your best bet for initial knock down though. 2oz green cleaner is about $20+/-, the bte is $50/qt on build a soil. They also have an essential oil blend that seems pretty good. Blend that with einstein oil and silica as per their instructions and that should solve any issues you have in veg if you can get your brix levels above 11%

I posted a rather long video reguarding these girls... im thinking some are possibly hermieng?
I would love brutal honesty plz anyone?
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Well, your statement on stopping focus on bud production is wrong. If it were to herm from stress, week 5 is often about when it happens. Lots of variables but commonly, around week 5-6, in the middle of the plant, male flowers will form from the node out of the bottom of buds. With the use of a scrog, you will probably only see them by looking underneath your plants. I have to crawl into my tiny tents and look up. Good lollipopping makes this easier. Nanners are male flowers trying to form from within buds and are more commonly seen towards the end.
Well, your statement on stopping focus on bud production is wrong. If it were to herm from stress, week 5 is often about when it happens. Lots of variables but commonly, around week 5-6, in the middle of the plant, male flowers will form from the node out of the bottom of buds. With the use of a scrog, you will probably only see them by looking underneath your plants. I have to crawl into my tiny tents and look up. Good lollipopping makes this easier. Nanners are male flowers trying to form from within buds and are more commonly seen towards the end.

so im relieved you say , it is growin buds.
I noticed no nanners protruding from any nodes ill look thoroughly this time. From my experience, nanners would pop up exactally as you described. Banners would typically start at middle to lower and work there way up if not taken care of.
To me it looked like nanners starting to form on top of top buds, it kinda looks like its pollinating or some shit, it has a hair coming out of nanner looking buds kinda looks like a questionable sex organ youd see at node growth.so im debating wether its just calyxs forming as i read that they sometimes looks like nanners but idk...

And i find myshelf crawling under my trellis every other day, im starting 2 fuck my back up. I need to install drip lines so i dont need to duck arnd so much.

I isolated the plant that im assuming is hermieng, no other growth has shown except on that one bid site.

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I think my scope goes to 80x, i seen milky looking eggs though yes,as well as spider mites i think, im by no means a expert when it comes to mites i must say...

I think i can take a pic through scope ill try upon wake up...
More pics...
View attachment 4068035 View attachment 4068036 View attachment 4068037 View attachment 4068038 View attachment 4068039 View attachment 4068040 View attachment 4068041 View attachment 4068042 View attachment 4068043 View attachment 4068044 Yes sir,
I think my scope goes to 80x, i seen milky looking eggs though yes,as well as spider mites i think, im by no means a expert when it comes to mites i must say...

I think i can take a pic through scope ill try upon wake up...
More pics...
so im relieved you say , it is growin buds.
I noticed no nanners protruding from any nodes ill look thoroughly this time. From my experience, nanners would pop up exactally as you described. Banners would typically start at middle to lower and work there way up if not taken care of.
To me it looked like nanners starting to form on top of top buds, it kinda looks like its pollinating or some shit, it has a hair coming out of nanner looking buds kinda looks like a questionable sex organ youd see at node growth.so im debating wether its just calyxs forming as i read that they sometimes looks like nanners but idk...

And i find myshelf crawling under my trellis every other day, im starting 2 fuck my back up. I need to install drip lines so i dont need to duck arnd so much.

I isolated the plant that im assuming is hermieng, no other growth has shown except on that one bid site.

Im not seeing any nanners in your growth. This is what it would look like having almost full developed nanners (which can appear within days):
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I dont see much spider mite damage. Any really. The glossy look and curly leaves is indicitive of russet mites. Whole different ball game. Make use of what you see compared to a couple google images searches and report back.
Im not seeing any nanners in your growth. This is what it would look like having almost full developed nanners (which can appear within days):
View attachment 4068060

Within days, i did not know this....
Im a bit relieved with your input,im hopping ive inspected them enough to gather what sex they are, i check for light leaks like a mad man. So im possibly being a goob gab, and need to blaze.

This strain is untested, bought on cl from a goop gawb, so im running untested genetics, smart....
I dont see much spider mite damage. Any really. The glossy look and curly leaves is indicitive of russet mites. Whole different ball game. Make use of what you see compared to a couple google images searches and report back.

I was told by a senor membe, it was russet mites or cycleman mites, i will report back, as i will use this as a reference for my future grows, thanks for all of your guyes help!!

Im a noob so forgive my wording and such.
Thx for the heads up
I foliar through week 6 by design but dont fear doing so even the last of days if need be. Ive also done h2o2 wash during harvest to great effect. I think, if you want to make your grow worth your time and money you need to do some research and reading. Get a firm understanding of essentials and basics, terminology, whats in the bottles that you dump and spray on your plant. Nothing wrong with learning while you grow. I would put as little effort as possible into finishing this run and focus on the learnings. What i do is target what i want to know, read at least 3 articles on said topic. Maybe more. A few youtube videos too. Often, ill ask a fellow grower or post a question already having a good basic understanding of the subject. Multiple multiple sources of info. Too much bullshit, needs filtering. Understanding your sources motivation for sharing said information as well. Or at least who theyre targeting. I push myself to try to always learn more. Even when things arnt going right, i want to understand why. What seperates good from great is attention to detail.
This plant was isolated, under a 25 watt cfl as i have no extra lights rn.
I will put back in flw rm, i think those i waa seing calyxs vs seeds, but idk still....

If any 1 is wondering a 6hp shop vac is indeed too much for a plant, i found myshelf covering my had, on hose end, i tore some fan leafes while sucking em out.. will be more attentitive. Just got a 11$ bag of lady bugs, will vac n apply lady bugs from here out.

This pictures of plant, is of the 1 i isolated, does it look normal?i felt its energy gave a very quezzy feeling.... ):
I did foliar exyremley heavy with capt jack, i wanted to test how it would affect the plant, i def drenched in capt jack, my other girls responded very well id say to its last organicide foliar, but i diddent drench it like i did too this 1.
Im womdering if i could just pluck that nugg off, as every other cola has normal growth, these look like nanners to me, or just funky genetics, idk, i have yet to find male organs on any part of this plant...

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I foliar through week 6 by design but dont fear doing so even the last of days if need be. Ive also done h2o2 wash during harvest to great effect. I think, if you want to make your grow worth your time and money you need to do some research and reading. Get a firm understanding of essentials and basics, terminology, whats in the bottles that you dump and spray on your plant. Nothing wrong with learning while you grow. I would put as little effort as possible into finishing this run and focus on the learnings. What i do is target what i want to know, read at least 3 articles on said topic. Maybe more. A few youtube videos too. Often, ill ask a fellow grower or post a question already having a good basic understanding of the subject. Multiple multiple sources of info. Too much bullshit, needs filtering. Understanding your sources motivation for sharing said information as well. Or at least who theyre targeting. I push myself to try to always learn more. Even when things arnt going right, i want to understand why. What seperates good from great is attention to detail.

Lady bug treatment, they seemed a bit aggetited under the 1 k hps.
So I read the few posts about nanners and I actually just found a single nanner on one of my plants, at day 41 of flower. Upon further inspection I haven't found any for sure seed pods but some calaxes with a little white line going down the side of it, is this a sign of a seeds forming?
And if pollen was released from that nanner a few days ago, is roughly 3 to 4 weeks enough time to form seeds?
I can't see any signs of mite damage.

Leave the shop vac alone.If you were "infested" sure,by all means use it.As of right now using it is wasted time and electric.

Me think you got a hold of some poopiedoop genetics.
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