It will take longer then 3 days. Spinosad is not a contact killer. It's kills after being ingested. It is also systemic. That means it will spread out in the whole plant....
You are going to HAVE TO sanitize the whole grow area. If in a tent, the whole room will need to be cleaned that it's in.
1 part bleach to 9 or 10 parts water. Spray every surface in the room. Floor, ceiling, walls, under everything and even the things in the room. Now close the area and use a bug bomb - one of the Flea and Tick bombs is the same as a Dr DOOM's bomb, on;ly cheaper. Use as instructed.
Now, take some Pyrethrin concentrate, and mix a very weak batch. Say a cpl of ml in a gallon. Now spray that at every crack and around doors/windows. Anyplace they could get in the room/area. This is a powerful repellent to all damaging mites and some other bugs we don't like.....It lasts longer then it would as a contact killer..... Once your bug free....reuse of the "repellent" at about a monthly time frame......Will help keep you clear of mites...
Another thing to understand is. Mites are attracted to plants in stress. Stressed plants give off a pheromone that attracts them.
Keeping your plants happy and healthy. Go a l-o-n-g way to not getting mites....
Good luck!