Spider Mites/Gnats PREVENTION in Hydro?


I'm growing hydro and after getting spider mites I am damn good at keeping them under control and/or killing them.

However, I wanted to get more tips on how to PREVENT them from even existing. I know the hygiene factors, everything must be clean, the atmosphere must not be too hot or too humid etc.

But what can I truly use in the reservoir to avoid having any spider mites, gnats, etc to even appear. :/

Thanks for all the help!!!


Rebel From The North
I'm growing hydro and after getting spider mites I am damn good at keeping them under control and/or killing them.

However, I wanted to get more tips on how to PREVENT them from even existing. I know the hygiene factors, everything must be clean, the atmosphere must not be too hot or too humid etc.

But what can I truly use in the reservoir to avoid having any spider mites, gnats, etc to even appear. :/

Thanks for all the help!!!
azatrol or azamax its all natural and you can add to your res and spay, Ive spray up to week 6 in flower and had no
taste or plant rejection


Active Member
I spray all the surfaces everyother day with schultz....It comforts me....also I read that a light soap film/residue makes the climat unfavorable for those little critters. But I imagine that dust would stick to it and quikly mess things up.
good luck.

fight the mite!


Active Member
dont transplant anything from outside unless you fully inspect it. also be careful with plants from other people. if possible, only grow you own from seed and clone. dont involve any other gardens if possible.


Well-Known Member
mites should never be kept "under control" they quickly develop resistance to whatever pesticide you use. key is to eradicate them. i spray my entire room plants included just before buds start forming, i have never seen them ever since. for gnats, h2o2 1/2 strength in res or gnatrol