Spider Mites & Fungus Gnats


Well-Known Member
Mites in flower , burn it and start over. In veg, Avid + Tetrasan rotate with Floramite + Tetrasan.

Gnatrol for gnats.

Mallet if they are winged root aphids in veg.

beans davis

Well-Known Member
go Gnats...no problem.

A non-toxic, poison-free alternative! Earth Juice goGnats is specially formulated for use against fungus gnats, midges, spider mites, thrips, aphids and many other garden pests. Can be applied as an area spray or added to fertilizers and used as a soil drench. For hydroponic gardens, it is recommended to add directly to reservoirs on a regular basis as part of a plant maintenance program.


Well-Known Member
Last time I had trouble with fungus knats I hung up one of those yellow pest strip cards and every day there was more and more on it and then the problem went away.
As far as mites go, I treat my growroom regularly by spraying it with a neem oil solution and try to make it a place unfriendly to them as possible. Once you actually have spider mites it may take more action than that to rid them. I only did real battle with them once and I got a solution called Mighty Wash. I dont know what was in the bottle ( and the mfg doesnt reveal it either) but I know that it killed them and removed any trace of them. The shit worked and mites can be a bitch to get rid of.
Thanks Guys, I went to my local grow shop and the owner recommended this product called Azatrol, its a foiler spray for leaves and a dirt mix to eliminate anything in soil including fungus gnats or root aphids so I am gonna apply it every 4 days for three treatments and see how it goes. Luckily the garden is still small and I caught them early. I am still in Veg. just got 5 new clones given to me and they were infested. I only had one other mother plant in the room and she is being treated as well.mite damaged leaf.jpgW.Q. in new spot.jpgnew clones.jpgalso these damn images are saved on my computer in the correct direction but when I load them to the site they rotate sideways, anyway to get around that?
thats bung chow, guess Ill have to take them all vertically for now on. This forum is awesome but it seems they are running some rather old code for the program
Hey fellow green thumbs, So i have applied Azatrol twice four days apart and my plants went from weak dieing little girls straight back to luscious green, growing almost a 1/2 inch every day! I highly recommend this product if it is available. I know it worked for me.