Spider Mites During Flower! HELP!


Active Member
I don't have pics at the moment, but I've found a couple of the mites and the eggs were everywhere on the leafs. I probably stunted my babies grow since she's in flower but tried chopping most of the leafs to eradicate it cuz I've been reading its not good to spray pesticides during flowering. Any suggestions on what to do?

Indoor grow, mars ts1000, ff ocean forest soil.
Predator mites. Release them in batches. Once they eat all the spider mites they go away.

I ended up buying some azapro and put a slightly smaller dose than suggested in a spray bottle. Should know in a few days or so how well it works.
The azapro hasn't worked so far. Any other tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. At this point, I'm so new that if someone could just direct me to a good aerosol can to spray on them or something I'm fine with just rinsing the buds afterward.
review how they got there for next grow. Ive had them once. Why is on a super nice day I decided to take clones out in the patio and plant them in pots. big mistake. about 8 weeks later id seen mites but all of a sudden bam everywhere like an army. went to the local hydro store and he suggested it early to chop but wise to do now. so I did. fumigated the house with extra in the room. never happened again.
If you can seal your grow, CO2 kills them but at a level that's lethal to humans too.
Essential oils, diatomaceous earth

After this harvest, empty the grow space & bleach everything. Wait a day or two, clean everything again & put it back.
As a preventive measure treat your plants with something like Safer's during veg.

Good luck
What I can recommend is sprays with pyrethrum. It's a natural plant extract that kills thrips, mites, aphids, etc. I haven't had spider mites, but I have had thrips, and it worked great. I'm pretty sure pyrethrum is safe to spray on buds as well.

Can also recommend DE powder at the stalk and base as others say. Not sure if DE is a good idea on buds, maybe someone else can chime in on that.
I had 'em about seven years ago. Here's what I did to (finally) get rid of them...

1. Remove the plants from the grow area and clean and disinfect EVERY SINGLE THING (except for the lights).
2. Spray neem oil to runoff, wait three days.
3. Spray insecticide soap to runoff, wait three days.
4. Spray pyrethrin (sp?) to runoff, wait three days.
5. Spray acephate FROM A DISTANCE of at least 12 inches and spray from the bottom up, so you're hitting the UNDER SIDE of the leaves. This is a systemic insecticide that lasts for 14 days in the plant, so if one of those things bites your plant in that time...instant death to the parasite.

Getting spider mites is like getting herpes: Hard to catch and even harder to (permanently) get rid of.

Good luck.
I wouldn't spray anything but plain water in flower. You did right by removing anything you can physically see. That's the first step. Also don't forget the vacuum cleaner as a tool for removal.

Next step would be to spray the plants down with plain water, focusing on the undersides of the leaves. Make sure to have A LOT OF AIR MOVEMENT, which is great because mites hate wind and you don't want mold or fungus issues. Get some fans hitting the plants.

Also when treating for spider mites drop the temps down as mites reproduction dwindles as the temps do. Mites hate cold and wind.

Spray the plants with plain water for a week and see where you are at. Most likely you will knocked them down to a manageable level and get to harvest, then clean room properly.

If you can't get them under control, you can fog them twice 3 days apart. This is fine to do in flower and usually ends an infestation. After the fogger just spray plain water a few times and mites should be gone.

Predator insects are the way to go if you can manage that.

Good luck and fuck the borg!