Spider Mite Home-Made Fumigation Technique

So yesterday I was at my outdoor crop and noticed my blueberry was infested with these fuckers, but some how none of my others so I was looking up all these ways to treat em, I had no materials, and my plants can't be moved cuz they're in the ground.

I found a "nicotine water," tryed that but the tobacco was getting stuck in the sprayer tube.

I decided to try my own idea and threw a 45 gallon (i think) trash bag over my shit, tied up the bottom, poked a hole in the top and threw a straw in it... for 20 minutes i was nonstop smokin either bud or a cigg and blowing it into that bitch.

left it on as i finished watering took it off and VUELA! dead spideys dead spideys!

don't know if it killed the eggs or all of them but i'm planning on doing it again tomorrow morning before the sun comes out enough

as for the plant it didn't look harmed at all, maybe a little more perky but the only thing really noticable was the top nug squished just a tad

I'd like to know what you think or if I may be doing something harmful to the plant I don't know so please let me know!



Well-Known Member
wow this might be something i might try. ladybugs r out of season and im like a week away from harvest =[

i dont have that much herb though. and id probly get sick smoking that many cigs lol


Well-Known Member
Hahah I LOVE IT, Just another way to kill those damn mites. People do the same with c02, but your way your no wasting anything. Cause your smoking the bud first.
yeah smoking them out like that would work but the only question is would the tobacco smoke leave a nasty residue on the flower