The eggs are viable until they hatch, 2-3 days, and then the theory is that the residual is what kills them off. BUT there is always a few eggs that survive. These are the bastards that bring the population back again. This can take a few weeks of no activity, then all of a sudden you have them back. Even after you clean the room, sterilized with bleach, bomb, etc., etc., etc.... You can get them back, and probably will. They are a fact of life on this planet and thrive in specific climates. The best we can do is to keep them at bay. Love the higher than Bamboo trick. Great! Try this little trick. Take cheap Cellulous sponge and cut into 3/4" wide strips, either direction on the sponge, for different bottom of the stem diameters. Wrap this wet around the stem at the base about 1-/2" inches above grade holding it tightly in place with a twist tie or nylon tie. Soak again and every spray, with your favorite bug juice, each and every day and you'll stop them from migrating which is how they populate. Again, being competitive, they migrate across the soil/media and up the stem, to the next plant matter area for fresh sucking and no competition from fellows already present. For cuttings, I make a 1'1/4" square with a 1/4" hole in the center (paper hole punch works great & is cheap) and place the cutting through the hole and then the gel an then into cloneing environment. After the roots appear, it'll stay in place and stretch as the plant matures. This way is better than the wrap, no voids. Remember these are tiny, tiny bugs that can make it through microscopic gaps, so the contact surface along with your favorite juice (try the pepper/garlic/tobacco combination; watch 'em explode!) is a very important and significant aid in the war ahead. As always, peace...