Spider Mite Control | Uncontrollable! Help!


Hello! In day second week of veg spider mites attacked my plants and I used SmC its (1% Coriander Oil, 94% Canola Oil and 5% Triethanolamine). I sprayed them before 2 days and, I spotted another yellow spots with holes yesterday.
Then I yesterday sprayed them again, more efficiently and today its even worse :(

How do you suggest I get rid of them? Thanks!

P.S. I don't live in USA so mighty wash and some problems available there are not here.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
This is a us seller but I'm sure you can find it outside the states if you need. This stuff was recommended by Al B FUCT he's in Australia I believe. It Works awesome. One application will probably be all you need. That quart will last a lifetime....litterally. If you can find it in a smaller container you could save some cash but I was only able to find it in quarts. It also works for aphids and other bugs as well but is specifically made for mites.


Well-Known Member
Is it safe to smoke it afterwards? There are plenty of insecticides that will kill anything, including humans.


Thanks Joe! I have a problem tho financially to afford that, are there any other alternatives and how many times can I spray my plants?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Joe! I have a problem tho financially to afford that, are there any other alternatives and how many times can I spray my plants?
Spray your plants with water under the leaf, and all over every day. Hose them good. You won't get rid of the mites, but you can keep them under control. you have to spray them with water everyday.
make sure you have good air movement around your plants.


Active Member
I'm lucky in that I only ever have 2 smaller plants at one time to maintain anymore, so these days I use plain old water (if heavy in to bud I will use a bit of alcohol in the water as a drying agent).

Get under EVERY leaf Every day for a few days, they just move out.. It still sucks and even after decades of doing it, when you find them again for a day or two you want to control the uncontrollable.. but just start cleaning them up on one day, a few days later you'll be done with them..

Obviously this doesn't work with large grows, but for small personal grows, pure water and a bit of alcohol to prevent possible rot heavy into bud, can be your best friend.. at least until you figure out something better. Mites live and breed on a cycle, cut into and disrupt that cycle and try not to freak out and do more damage than the mites right away.

Luck~! Peace~!

bird dog

Well-Known Member
GreenCure is the answer. I've used it for several years now and have had no insect problems, except grasshoppers eating on leaves. You mix it into your foilage spray bottle of water and saturate your plants with it a couple times per week. Good luck... Peace

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
GreenCure is the answer. I've used it for several years now and have had no insect problems, except grasshoppers eating on leaves. You mix it into your foilage spray bottle of water and saturate your plants with it a couple times per week. Good luck... Peace
Huh? It's a fungicide, potassium bicarbonate. It's moderately effective for PM control.


Well-Known Member
I've had great luck with just washing them off and then treating with neem oil. You can get rid of much of the infestation by washing with a hose/spraying with water. I then will use neem oil with dynagro protekt (emulsifies the oil...and use warm water too) every two to three days for at least a week+ and then IF you think you have them you can go to once a week treatment. You have to go every two to three days for at least a week because you will only be killing the adult mites and must wait for the eggs to hatch to kill them with oil. This is a very safe method and will not be toxic to you in the least. It's also pretty effective IF you cover the plant completely...you need to use a good sprayer and get every leaf top and bottom, all of the stem and all around any flowers...it ONLY works on what it touches and if you don't spray it on them, then they don't die from it. Take your time and cover every surface.


Well-Known Member
you want those spyder mites gone , 100 % . use neem oil and water, don't follow the directions on the neem oil, what I did 4 ounces neem for 2 gallons water and ounce of dish soap. hot water , shack it very oftem spray the plants heavy ! don't wimp out with it, and do it 2 times a day, after it drys. you want to see a shine on the leaves, if no shine no oil is on the plants, and mites thrive, they will dye !, after the heavy first dose, reduce it 2 ounces for 2 gallons. and repeat 2 times a day, then day follow directions on the neem, follow directions, and repeat once a day for 12 more days,
Hello! In day second week of veg spider mites attacked my plants and I used SmC its (1% Coriander Oil, 94% Canola Oil and 5% Triethanolamine). I sprayed them before 2 days and, I spotted another yellow spots with holes yesterday.
Then I yesterday sprayed them again, more efficiently and today its even worse :(

How do you suggest I get rid of them? Thanks!

P.S. I don't live in USA so mighty wash and some problems available there are not here.

Hey just had this problem with one of my girls..so I picked up 20 hot peppers 'the hottest I could find' chopped them into tiny chips ..stems ans seed... boil a pot water mabey 10cups and put the peppers and let them sit for 5mins...then u can put that into a 2gallon bucket and fill wit hot tap water ...stir it up and put it into a pray bottles and u will have enough for more treatment ..spray every other day until there gone..oh yea where gloves n a bandana something to cover ur nose and mouth ..and try to do it in a vented area..and it's organic and u can do this in flowering too