Spider Farmer Anniversary Giveaway-Free SF7000 650W LED Grow Light

:weed:Hey!! How's everything going?
Spider Farmer new Giveaway is coming!!!
This time, we will offer a free SF7000 as the prize, do not miss to win a free 650W LED Grow Light

SF7000 Led Grow Light

⚡Rules to enter
✅ Follow @Spiderfarmerled on Rollitup
✅ Like this thread and comment with your country
✅ We will pick up a random number, you have no need to leave a number. We will use the number as follow
View attachment 4997163

We will pick up the random winner on #Oct. 8#

Welcome to join us, everyone have the chance to win:leaf::leaf:

Meanwhile, Spider Farmer Anniversary Sale starts, please do not miss:

US: www.spider-farmer.com
CA: www.spiderfarmer.ca
EU: www.spiderfarmer.eu
UK: www.spiderfarmer.co.uk
AU: www.spiderfarmer.com.au
View attachment 4997164
Thank you!
Would love to try this one an see if therwa a difference on electric bill considering my dumb 1200w led makes mine an extra 400 a month,....USA
Man wtf you paying per kilowatt hour? That just don't seem right to me at all....
A: an led that says 1200w is prob running between 100-200watts.
B: I run 1500w true power and that barley costs me 60-100 bucks a month.
Your story just doesnt add up
Let's say you're right and your using 1.5kilowatts an hour, let's say 18 hr veg for 3 weeks so that's 1.5x18= 27 kW hrs a day x let's say 3 week veg so 21 days so that's what 567 kW hours x let's say an average 10cents (higher end) per kwh. 567x.10cents so that cost $56.7. in a month. Cool story bro. (I don't think you grow) at least if you fib don't make it so obvious.
I just calls it hows I sees it
Let's go one more step for a final calculation.
12hr flower x 1.5kwh = 18kwh/day. Let's say you actually ran until it was done so 10weeks ish. Let's say 75 days. 18kwh/day x 75 days = 1350kwh x .10cents/kwh = $135 + 56.7 = $191.70 to power the entire grow start to finish.
We might be stoners but we can still do math
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